
It's that time of year again. ROCK retreat: departing today at 2:00 p.m. and returning on Sunday afternoon. I hope it's good and I hope we will all be safe and have fun.

This year is so different from last year, though. Last year was my first time going away from home for more than half a day at a time, and my mother was so overly anxious about everything, lecturing me time and again and trying to persuade me to change my mind. Finally, she let me go, but she called numerous times a day to check up on me.
Now, it's as simple as, "Make sure you pack enough clothes and a jacket in case it gets cold." From both of my parents. Ironically, though, I didn't even really want to go this year, but I am going anyway. Consider this my weekend vacation, haha. But my point is, I appreciate that my parents have begun to trust me more and have been more okay with me staying out for longer periods of time. Certainly, they will always be overprotective, but like I have always said, they cannot possibly keep me under their wings and watch 24/7, and with college coming up in two months (wow), I realize that they have begun to realize that.
So it's all good.

I was thinking earlier this morning about home. And how I cannot sincerely call this house home without thinking of the apartment. At times, I do miss living in the coziness of an apartment, where I don't feel like I should be upstairs or downstairs more often to inhabit it more, where I don't feel too lazy to climb the stairs to get something, where I'm close to so many more things and people. I also miss not having a preschool across the street, where kids run around and scream to wake me up every Friday that I have off from work! In any case, don't get me wrong. I acknowledge how fortunate I am to have a home at all, and I'm not complaining. I mean, who wouldn't like living in a house of their own, right? But I don't dwell on this too long or too often. Regardless, I'm content with what I have and where I am.

I need a haircut, though.
Oh, my. And my blood test. Ahhh, should have gone earlier.

College in two months, eh? I wonder how it will be. Heck, I wonder how orientation will be. I just can't wait to get it over with. Whew, just checked my financial aid status and I haven't missed anything yet. Go, me.

Time to complete the last preparations for retreat.
Hope you all have a good weekend!


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