The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Evening

For some reason, I feel downright down right now. I could seriously start crying if I just think of it. I desperately need sleep, and I desperately need time to myself. I cannot wait for school to be over so I can have at least a day or two to catch up on those.

I thought I would be excited to write this five-year letter to myself, but I just find it a tedious task. The three thank you letters to teachers, too. I might ask Mrs. L for an extension because I really have not had the time to do anything but attend training and orientation for this entire weekend. Well, admittedly, I did do a few things. And I probably will finish at least the letter to myself before I go to bed (ha) tonight. But I am so not looking forward to taking a multiple choice test and essay test on two books that I have not read at all tomorrow. I don't even know what we're doing for PCC, either. Man, this sucks.

It's really not fair for me to blog right now because I am probably just dampening your mood, too. But I have to do this! Or else I will not feel any better. So I apologize for such a pessimistic post tonight.

Work today was a lot better than yesterday. Yesterday, we started a little past nine and sat in the same conference room until almost five. It gave me a huge headache accompanied by nasty nausea. I hate meetings that are longer than half an hour, and that meeting was ORIENTATION. Who SITS for orientation, anyway? And who would actually read and discuss the employee handbook? Gosh. And the lunch I bought from McDonalds just made me feel FAT. But that was my own doing, since I could have easily ordered anything else, like a salad. On Friday, I had to skip school for orientation too. And that was just as terrible! The uniforms are just plain bad--on girls, anyway. After that day's orientation, all I could say and think was, "I HATE WORK ALREADY, AND I HAVEN'T EVEN OFFICIALLY STARTED." I didn't say that yesterday or today, though.
Today's training was interactive--hence, I stayed awake. We got to work with each other and interact with guests on the floor and learn a bunch of new things and methods and did several "fun" activities that provided insight on the job itself. Thank goodness I had no headache today, or else I would not have enjoyed it at all.

After work yesterday, N and I went bowling in West Covina. It was supposed to be called Brunswick Lanes, but we couldn't find it after we passed by West Covina Lanes, so later I called and asked Brunswick, "Hi, is your alias West Covina Lanes?" Of course it was. So it was a little more than $7 for six games total, three for each. Who knew cosmic bowling could be so fun? Although N obviously doesn't like it. After that, we went to California Pizza Kitchen nearby for dinner. The pizza is so good, even overnight. I would definitely go back to CPK. Then we went to Walmart so I could buy a combination lock for my locker for work. We ended up spending more time waiting in line to pay than actually shopping. Only Walmart shoppers would shop so late...
But in any case, that was a nice night.

I signed up to work on Tuesday for an event. I hope I get to work it. Double the pay for half the work, so why not?

My right arm is sore. And my left leg/hip/bone between leg and hip hurts occasionally...

I feel better now because I have eaten dinner and have written all of the above. Now I will continue the so-called letter until S is done showering. Then I will shower and finish this letter and not do the other letters at all while halfheartedly reading Sparknotes for The Little Prince and Siddhartha. Or something like that.

Tomorrow, I have to do the Spanish assignment. Somebody please remind me.


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