Lonely and Scared

Currently, I am at home alone, and I am scared to go back downstairs, for my paranoia compels me to fear predator-robberies, even in a gated, locked home. Because my parents have always told me all these crazy stories and because I watch too much "CSI"-related shows.

Yesterday, I started to blog, and about three paragraphs in, I no longer knew what I had to say and I dubbed what had already been typed useless, so I just closed the tab. And now I'm sitting in S's room, hoping that today's post will go better than did yesterday's, that I will have something the least bit meaningful or relevant to talk about.

The Lakers won game three! What a close game. I actually didn't pay much attention (even though the television was directly in front of me) until the middle of the third quarter, though. Derek Fisher is so cool. At the end of the game, when all the camera people and reporters started the interviews, I began to wonder about the conversations that each team has following every victory as well as every loss. And I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be nice to really know?" The goodness of sports journalism. Very interesting. Game four on Thursday!

Today is a birthday! Happy birthday, A! (I say this here just because I know you might read it.)

Finally, tomorrow is senior awards night, which I kind of have an idea how to dress for. I would be considerably more enthusiastic (not that I'm not already) about it if it were held on the outdoor stage like it used to be, but no, it's held in the gloomily-lit, unpleasantly ventilated large gym where athletes sweat all sixth period and for hours thereafter. But before that, I volunteered to be a judge for the Deca interview final after school before the awards! For some reason, it's all student judges this year, so that's a lot less exciting, but I'm excited to judge/ ask questions to my fellow Decathletes. And hours before that, the CST rewards breakfast (or whatever it is called) is during second period. Recently, I have been absent often--for field trips, projects, sickness, et cetera. I feel really bad for having missed Spanish so many times already, but I would like to attend the breakfast...so I will. Preceding that is the Humanitas awards ceremony, which I don't consider a ceremony at all since it takes place in Oral Arts, where the desks are designated to leprechauns and the room designated to delinquents (as the aura goes for me). Plus, I will be the only non-Humanitas-class person there, which means I will be lonely!

On Thursday, K and I have to present our Twitter Hell project again to Mrs. L's first period, upon her request after class today. We were stunned that she did so, because we hadn't started doing the project until about fourteen hours before it was due and hadn't finished until five minutes before class. Heck, we didn't even completely finish. But she thought we did a good job anyway. So I guess this means that Twitter was a good choice of hell topic. Then in bio, we are going to make ice cream like we did in chemistry!
Again, I miss AP Chemistry. What a great class.

Next, on Friday, I cannot attend school. Really, what a bummer! Believe it or not, I actually WANT to be at school for the next however many days until graduation, darn it. And it looks like I'm going to miss the Leadership banquet, too... And I have to fold stars to give to Mrs. L for a project somebody asked her to do before Friday! There's something important (besides graduation) going on next week, too, but I don't remember what right now.

I am going to watch "Days of Our Lives" now. You know, I can't even watch that show on television in the summer anymore, like I had been looking forward to all year. So I have to always watch it online. What a disappointment.

But for now, I shall enjoy yesterday's episode.



Alan'sBlog :] said…
I'm assuming that "A" is me! hahah THANKS! ^^

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