Pay Day

I earned and received my first paycheck today. Although it is not much at all, I now know the value of working for oneself and actually earning money rather than asking for it.

Despite how much I disliked training and how boring I thought it was, I really enjoy working at CSC. I love greeting visitors, guests and co-workers alike, giving directions and suggestions, answering questions and addressing concerns, floating around and covering others on breaks. I love the endless interaction and the constant work. Everything I do there so immensely exceeds the nothing I would otherwise do at home all day. Another thing that I enjoy about working is observing people and then having funny stories to tell.
All of my co-workers are so nice, too. It's true when the managers/ supervisors say that we are all one big family/ team, no matter what color polos we're wearing and how our pants fit (the dress code for volunteers is far more lenient).

Over the past four days, I have seen the strangest, the friendliest, the most active adults and children. People covered in mysterious tattoos and exotic piercings come in with their kids, asking them, "Do you want to look at chicks through the magnifying glass?" Elderly couples wearing fanny packs and wide-rimmed glasses walk in with their grandkids, simply saying, "Oh, we'll just roam around." Gosh, I just love seeing so many different groups of people walk in and simply enjoy the Science Center. On Wednesday, a group of six to eight people dressed in colonial/ George Washington era clothing entered CSC, and the only thing that crossed my mind was, "Gee, how interesting..." Meanwhile, teenage passersby pointed and laughed. How rude.
I can't wait until the Mummies of the World exhibit opens on July 1, but I hope that I can continue working in different places too.

Tomorrow, I have to be in by 8:15 a.m. and stay until noon for a meeting. I hope I can stay awake... I almost didn't wake up for work today because apparently, I didn't set my phone alarm to sound on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sunday... And today is Friday. Good thing my dad woke up and woke me up. I actually got to work earlier today than any other day this week. That's what happens when I wake up late--I actually get to places earlier because I hurry.

Hahaha, the question on "Family Feud" right now is, "Name something a hiker would hate to find out he forgot to pack in his backpack". And the black guy said, "Well, I don't need this, but I would say sunscreen." So funny!

In the past three days, I have had two McDonald's Happy Meals. Yum.

And two large vanilla ice coffees. :)


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