Said and Done, All Over Again

I feel guilty for not having blogged in what feels like too long of time. I'm currently listening to Britt Nicole, a Christian singer whose songs don't seem religious at all if you don't know her background. Anyway, some very nice songs she has sung and some very nice songs I am listening to.

Today, I worked from 8:30 to 2:30, with a paid 45-minute lunch! G, one of our many managers but the one who has been overseeing us for the past two weeks, must have been in a good mood to tell us not to clock out for lunch, haha. The morning "lecture" was difficult in that it was a Powerpoint "presentation" and it was still exceptionally early and many people had trouble staying awake, much less attentive. Then we had a "one-minute stretch" at 9:30, which ultimately made me really start to close my eyes and drift away from the lecture. Finally, we began our Ecosystems tour/ lecture OUTSIDE of the conference room. The Ecosystems exhibit opened in March, and I thoroughly enjoy it. The morning lecturer, C, is actually the creator of the whole exhibit, which I find absolutely admirable. It was also really nice that many of the topics he spoke about reminded me of AP Bio, because it means that I did learn albeit my constant napping after all. Anyway, the hour and a half long tour was fun. Now I can teach visitors about the exhibit, if I'm lucky enough to be stationed in any one of those zones!
Then there was lunch, which was completely disappointing because McDonalds didn't have ice cream today, for some reason... But other than that, it was a good lunch because it was extended and paid for. Yay!
After that, we continued with lecture, but the second part was just about how to answer tough questions guests might ask hosts and whatnot. I found this part more useful than the first, not that basic scientific knowledge isn't applicable to working in the ScienCenter, haha. In groups of four, we acted out scenarios in which guests posed said tough questions to hosts and presented the appropriate ways to answer them. Finally, at 2:32, we finished!

Then I went home (loosely speaking) and napped, played video games, rested. Oh, I also ate sloppy joes that I almost had to, but didn't, cook! Around seven, we went to Crane Sushi on Main Street in Alhambra. I laughed so loudly in my mind the instant I entered the threshold. "Out of Order. Do not sit." was the warning sign taped to a BENCH. I laugh now that I'm even writing about it. The bench is kind of but not really attached to a water decor thing, but the water decor thing clearly wasn't working... But who would have figured that lack of running water results in dysfunctional seats? Hahaha. Then I told N as he moved to and inspected other benches, "It's because of people like you that seats break!" I only wish D, the real fat person, were there for me to say it to. But then again, that would have resulted in great pain on my part, so never mind. Anyway, the service was good: waiters were quick and attentive. The food, however, was not as good. Well, the miso soup was good, as it always is everywhere else as well. The dragon roll was interesting, although I think I swallowed at least two bones from the eel, which I really hope I'm not strangely or suddenly allergic to, since I had never had it before. Lastly, the combination meal was acceptable (not exceptional, mind you): California Roll was disturbingly ssquishy and dry, gyoza was the plain jane dumpling/ potsticker, salad was not even comparable to that of Ichiban. But the water was excellent! Finally, a piece (yes, PIECE) of free mochi ice cream for dessert. Let's just say I didn't expect it to be so frozen.
In conclusion, I think there are better places (in terms of price as well as taste) than Crane. On a different note, I do hope to try out a few of the other restaurants on that street simply because those few blocks seem so lively all the time.

It's almost 11:30 p.m. and S still isn't back yet! Why doesn't she get a curfew? :(

Yesterday was Friday, but I kept thinking it was Saturday. In the morning, we went to Ocean Star. I was so surprised that the parking lot as well as the restaurant dining room was so empty, considering it was a weekend...until I realized it was Friday. After brunch, we watched "Toy Story 3" in 3D. The movie did not disappoint! It was everything I hoped it would be and more, even though I never watched the first two. I would love to own all the "Toy Story" movies on DVD, though, and that's saying a lot, because I'm too cheap to actually buy DVDs (but apparently not too cheap to watch movies in theater)!
At 3:30, I had work, which didn't even really start until 4:15. It was more training, but it lasted only one and a half hours and was mostly walking around the Desert Zone and the Extreme Zone of Ecosystems. Following that, I went to ROCK, which I must admit was pretty boring. Other than that, there is no ROCK for two weeks until Senior Honor Night on July 9. What do I do for two Friday nights now?! Oh, goodness, I sound like such a loser.

Thursday was the "said and done, all over again" day. I am officially a Chatsworth Senior High School alumna, sans the diploma because I was stupid enough to walk around and take pictures instead of line up to get it (hopefully they will mail it to 3410)! Graduation rehearsal was just plain dumb and quite useless, but after we all got home from school (not really, since we didn't even go to class), I went to eat pho with W, J, Z, D and H and lost my pho virginity! I didn't think it was that good, and I'm probably one of few people in that corner. In any case, I kept forgetting that we were all going to return to school later that day for graduation because I felt that we had already graduated! And at some point between then and the half hour to prepare for graduation, something terrible happened. It was so sudden and so sad, especially on such a momentous day. But to make a long story short, everything is okay now, and that is all I will declare to the public. Graduation itself was so whatever. I really didn't feel anything about it, didn't think anything during it, honestly. Meanwhile, the row behind me kept asking for the score on the Lakers/ Celtics FINAL game, and one girl next to me was happy when Boston was ahead.
When the ceremony was FINALLY over (Principal Guy was REALLY mad because the graduates kept chanting and disobeying his silent commands to stop), I mingled with people and whatnot, NOT going to get my diploma, ha. Truthfully, it wasn't even until we were on our way out to dinner when I realized that I wouldn't see many of those people again. Finally, it hit me. Immediately, I already began to miss a few of those people, regretting not having said a nicer, more memorable goodbye to them, even if only for the meantime.
Dinner was not delicious. I was too tired to taste it, then too full to remember it. But it was nice that we finally had a family dinner out, altogether, joking with and laughing at each other.

Oh, and worthy of its own paragraph: YAY, LAKERS! What an awesome fourth quarter comeback, what a sweet championship victory.

And now I'm thinking of missing a number of people I have met in high school. I don't believe I've ever particularly thought about missing people before. But just knowing that I really won't see them again now because we are really going separate ways and not just separate school districts makes me feel sorry that I didn't take the time and effort to talk more with the people that I now realize have meant most to me over the past few years. I keep thinking that I should have hugged them longer, said a better goodbye, taken more photos, really looked them in the eyes... Boy, oh boy, I sincerely hope that we do keep in touch and that we will recognize and remember each other at our high school reunion.

Now, I am glad that high school is over. However, I'm not looking forward to college. People--adults and teenagers alike--consistently ask me, "So, are you excited for college?" And I consistently shrug and say, "Eh, it's whatever." Tell me why I am so nonchalant about college! Wait, I have some feelings about that, but I've discussed them many times already, so I won't repeat myself here.
Notwithstanding my current attitude about college, I do plan to enjoy it and to learn and to grow from and during it. Grow...mentally, not physically, I hope.

I am nearing the end of my written words for tonight. Oh, I talked to Mrs. Q, my fourth grade teacher, on Facebook chat (haha) earlier, and she asked me for sample of my writing and asked me when I became interested in writing/ journalism. I brought up her helping me join my very first essay contest in fourth grade, and she said she still has the booklet with my essay in it! She was also surprised I remember after all this time. So now I need to find my flash drive (where could it have gone?!) and email her my personal statements and all that. She said she wants me to be a "role model" for her students. :)
Despite that, I know that no matter how "good" of a writer I may be to some people, I might be just terrible to others. So I will continue reading and continue writing, continually seeking improvement not just for others' benefit, but for my own aforementioned growth too.

And please excuse any typographical errors I might have had in this post, because Blogger is not red-underlining errors tonight, for some reason.

The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.
~Edward Koch


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