Tired Eyes

I really want to take off my contact lenses now. But then I wouldn't be able to see because my eyeglasses aren't here. I don't particularly wish for many things, but right now, I wish that we can just settle at one place and one place only, because quite frankly, I do not have time for this kind of ridiculousness. On top of that, my patience for it is...not very much. Not very much at all...

Well, at least I have good news. Decathlon is over, and we did very well: placed 15th out of 64 schools district-wide, third in our conference (following El Camino Real and Granada Hills), as well as Most Improved in our conference. Ms. R had wanted the latter for such a long time, and we finally achieved it! So that was exciting. Marshall High completely, utterly dominated, and I was happy for them because they had dominated El Camino, as well. Haha.

Today, I found out that A was right. I didn't have to worry about my grade point average. I am in fine and dandy standing right now, despite the "B" I earned in biology. That was a good way to start off my morning, I suppose.

Looks like we're finally departing now. After five long hours of waiting. I'll blog again when the opportunity presents itself.


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