Frankie J

Yesterday on the way to the Clippers game, I found a Frankie J song I don't believe I had ever before heard. Needless to say, I was stunned. Therefore, I am currently listening to "Crush".

I feel so liberated. The first semester of senior year is officially over, and no longer do I have to worry about grades, because it's all been said and done, and little can be done about even the grades I may not be satisfied with. Deca competition was yesterday, so unless we're going to state, I no longer have to cram French Revolution information into my fragile head. Speaking of which, I woke up with a terrible headache, one that I had never experienced, but thankfully, it's gone now.

I believe this is my first February post. Oh, wow, it has been exactly one week since the beginning of February. No school tomorrow, yay!
Anyway, I shall... inform you all of yesterday.

I woke up around 6:30 a.m. and arrived at Roybal an hour later. We sat there and reviewed and whatnot, then the testing began at nine. Math was just plain terrible. I bubbled C from number twenty until the end (thirty-five) without even looking at the questions because time was almost up. Super quiz after that was a lot easier than I had expected... Then again, how much would I even know to judge that? Not much! Everything else was just eh. Except science. It made me consider majoring in chemistry. Only for a few moments, though. I'll just skip right to the Super Quiz Relay event.
Usually, the audience is on the sides of the auditorium (in the case of UCLA, where it used to be), where they can see what is going on. This year, at Roybal, all the audience sees are the backs of everybody. It was a bit amusing, but I guess it just worked the same way for the competitors. Chatsworth was all the way up front, and I sat in the front seat, so I was right behind the two broadcasters, watching on television, I suppose. Our team got 45 out of 60 on the relay, which is pretty good. Granada Hills High School would have gotten 59... I bet they were angry at whoever missed it by one, haha.
One of my proctors for the Relay was Mr. Markovitch (or however it's spelled), the former assistant principal of Nobel Middle School. When I first saw him, I thought he looked extremely familiar, then after a few minutes, I turned around in my seat, looked at his name tag, and asked him if he works at Nobel, and he told me that he had just recently retired. All in all, it was nice to see him, although it's not like I ever really knew him.
After competition, L, R, D, S, and I went to the Staples Center for the Clippers game against the Spurs. The game was so very boring. But it was fun to just go without having to worry about not doing homework or studying. The whole time, though, I just kept thinking about dinner, because I hadn't eaten since 12:30. And finally, at 10:30, we left and, sans D, ventured to "Poodle World" for some much-needed food. Yummy. We finished at 11:15, got home around 11:30. I showered and went directly to bed, realizing all of a sudden that I had eaten only an hour ago. It made me feel guilty, so I did sit-ups for about half a minute, then lied back down, haha.
That was my day! I do realize that that was more of a general review of my day rather than an omnisciently detailed story of it. Maybe some other person.

Today: I am going to go run after this. Then a bit after noon, we shall go watch "Dear John" in Santa Anita, "the mall that has everything inside". Despite that it has everything inside, it gets boring after a few visits over a short period of time. But whatever, a movie is a movie. And a mall is a mall. It is what it is.

Ha, I still feel full from last night. This is what I get for having slept so soon after "dinner".

Hmm, I shall go now!
I hope you (whoever you may be) have a great day, because today is a beautiful day. Enjoy it!


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