
I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
-Jesse Owens

Today, I more than survived the 18-mile Friendship Run, and strangely enough, I feel more energized than tired (or sore) right now. I think I'm very happy about today's run.

I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and did all my morning stuff, then left home at 5:55. We all waited for the bus until 6:50-ish, several minutes after D and I went to Jack in the Box (better known to her as "Jack in the Crap") to use the facilities. Hansen Dam is actually surprisingly and disgustingly close to here... So we actually arrived by 7:30. The race began at exactly 8:00 (no surprise there), and S and I ran for three miles, then intermittently ran/ walked for the rest of the fifteen. The dam was not that bad this year. We ran the entire thing, which constitutes a total of two miles, the first time around, and the second time, we probably ran about one and a half of it. I remember last year, I actually wanted to just like, lie down on the dam and give up. But today was so much different, and I suspect that it was because 1) I have been running regularly (thank Mrs. Hoch for all these mandatory practices), 2) I actually prepared by "carbing up" and hydrating, and 3) I had done it before and knew exactly what to expect. Oh, and because I was getting some insulin instead of none at all, which I have learned does help. A lot. In my case, that is. At many points throughout the run, though, my stomach grumbled and growled... I don't believe I had ever appreciated pretzels and Chewy bars as much as I did at those points, haha. So I finished in 4:17:08 gun time. Subtract 2:58 for tag time. That's quite an improvement from last year! All in all, today's run was quite good.
But the nearly hour-long wait to leave was not. We didn't get home until 2:20! How outrageous.

So S, J, R, L and I went to Baccali's for lunch. Nobody finished their plates even though everybody was famished to start with, haha. It felt so good to finally eat real food, though. Now I feel like running three miles...

Speaking of which, S, J and I are doing the Firecracker Run next Sunday! I am excited for it because I love the t-shirt that comes with it. Yay!
However, that means that for the fourth or fifth weekend in a row, I will not have slept past seven or eight in the morning. Saturday is Science Bowl competition (how hilarious).

And here I had believed that second semester was going to be a breeze.
Speaking of breezes... It's supposedly going to rain again this week, but minimally. What the heck is with all this rain, anyway?

Okay, I shall attempt to conquer three entire chapters of biology now.

Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.
-Steve Prefontaine


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