What this is

I wish I lived in a fairy tale.

But even in fairy tales, everybody has their respective dilemmas, their respective tragic flaws. Even in fairy tales, problems exist and not only so, but they also prevail. For a while. Fairy tales are meant to teach us that no problem can remain unresolved, that something, someone, somehow will always stand by to fix it. But, see, this isn't necessarily the case in reality. Realistically, you have to solve your own problems. You are your own enemy, and in order to overcome whatever burdens you encounter, you must first overcome your own pride and realize that the problem might just be you afterall. Hmm, but what if it isn't? Suppose the problem actually lies in somebody else or suppose the problems actually is somebody else? Well, then, that complicates matters, because often, it's so much easier to deal with ourselves than with other people. Other people are just so difficult to reach, to understand, and to resolve. Ah, if only fairy tales were real. Then again, if they were, then they wouldn't be called "tales," now would they?

For the past few days, I have been watching a Taiwanese drama called "Smiling Pasta". On YouTube. It's actually quite good. I'm very glad that it's only 17 episodes and not 30-something, because I don't want to sit here at the laptop for so many hours a day. So far, I have deemed it a "good waste of time," and I don't call very many things that. I wonder what I will do with all my spare time after I finish this... Hmm.

Oww, my stomach hurts. It's been hurting since two days ago, dagnabbit. I should just take a whole bunch of laxatives or something (i.e. prunes). Because of this, I feel like I can't even eat anything without it further disturbing my stomach. Gawsh. Agh. Even water hurts!

Today, was stat test number two, on probability. fml
Just kidding. Kind of.

It's now 10:16 P.M. What shall I do? If I continue watching my show, my dad will indirectly call me a low-life. If I read, I'll be bored (yes, bored). If I play the piano...hey, that's a pretty good idea. Oh, and I found my permit! Well, my sister found it, but in my defense, it was in her drawer! Although, I probably put it there myself. But the point is, I need to remember to call the/ a driving instructor so I can learn to drive already. I'm older than all my classmates, yet I'm one of the last ones to drive. Actually, I don't really care. But driving, or attempting to, is better than just sitting around doing nothing at all for no good at all.

"Build a bridge and get over it."


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