Bored, Bored, Bored!

I haven't been in such deep boredom since a really long time, darn it. I guess this is what I get for having had such a hectic week. After everything happens, nothing else does. :(

On Thursday, I went to Grad Nite and experienced my first all-nighter. And I'll tell you, I'm never going to do it again! All-nighters are so exhausting and deceiving; they distort my sense of time. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd gone to class or the last time I'd showered. But otherwise, it was pretty fun. Dark, but fun. Good thing the rain missed us by a couple of hours, or else everybody would have had to go inside! Everybody who's sensible, anyway. So, people actually smoked on the bus and on the rides. Really? Geez, they need to get a life. A drug-free one, at that.

This episode of "CSI: Miami" is quite odd. Apparently, it's from 2004 (five years ago!), and it's an episode in which NY and Miami are integrated! And in a few minutes, "CSI: NY" will begin. After that, I need to find something to do, something that I want to do. Perhaps I'll sleep before nine tonight. I feel like I certainly can.

The SAT today was excruciating. The first half of it was pretty good. By the time I got to the fifth section, though, I got really sleepy and kept yawning! That obviously wasn't a good sign at all. But yeah, I suppose that I shall find out the result in a few weeks. For now, I have the ACT to look forward to. Yay...
Oh, wait. I can't forget about finals! (And no, I'm not referring to the NBA finals. Speaking of which, game two is tomorrow--finally, something to sincerely look forward to.)

I am so excited for Along for the Ride and "My Sister's Keeper" to come out.

Oh, goodness. I need to go somewhere tomorrow to keep myself sane.
It looks like it's going to rain sometime soon... So much for June weather.

I seriously do not know what to do this summer, dagnabbit.


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