
So T and I are talking and indicating the tones of our statements and messages after each one because at one point, he nearly complained of the lack of tone in online messaging. Hence, we decided to make clarifications (amusement).

About half an hour ago, we came back from watching "The Proposal". "We" as in my two younger cousins, my sister, and myself. Originally, we were supposed to watch "Up" but my mother decided to be LATELATELATE, and by the time we got there, not only had the movie (previews) begun, but the show was also sold out. So we had to settle for second best, which ended up proving itself a darn good choice. But we had to miserably window shop for almost an hour before the movie began. That theater was so full! But yeah, "The Proposal" is such a hilarious movie. Romantic comedies are the light of my theatrical life. Yay!<3
Hopefully, I can go watch "My Sister's Keeper" and "Up" sometime soon...

On a different note, I finally got Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen! For about twelve dollars, with a 40% off coupon and all that good stuff. I love Borders bookstore, and I love Sarah Dessen. then I got a 5 Steps to a 5 book for AP Spanish Language, which must be pretty weird for some people to witness since I'm merely an Asian nerd... But whatever, you know? I gotta do what I gotta do!

So, my plans for this upcoming week:
Monday--Daisy's middle school graduation, then whatever
Tuesday-- finish "Memoirs of a Geisha" with Daisy
Thursday--runrunrun, bookbookbook!

Okay, I'm getting bored of myself.
Bye for now!


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