What It Means

For the past week or so, I have done nearly nothing at all. Because I have had nearly nothing at all to do! Oh, how great it felt in the very beginning. But after a few days, I started getting bored of...well, boredom. My days feel so empty without homework and study... :(
Oh, I wasn't being sarcastic. Well, just a slight touch of sarcasm, that's it. And the rest is pure sincerity. Okay, alright, tinted sincerity. Goodness.

Today's ACT test reached a new level of ugliness and horror. I never thought that anything in my lifetime could achieve such..."greatness." Golly gee! Fine, I admit that I am speaking with a very strong (and negative) bias. I didn't even get to finish the math section! And I actually knew how to do that stuff... The reading section was just adsfjkl; and the science section was, like last time, adsfjkl;@#$%. Yeah. And then the essay prompt was just plain lame, man. I mean, why would you ask high school students about multitasking and its effects on high school students? How the heck would we know?! (Don't answer that.)

Chatsworth High School is going to be such a mess after next week, what with all the moving going around and then all those budget cuts decreasing numbers of classes and increasing class sizes. I don't mind larger class size, but I really mind fewer courses. I mean, are they really going to terminate classes that "don't have enought people"? Particularly AP classes AND not to mention JOURNALISM? How dare they even think of terminating the school paper. HOW DARE THEY. Ludicrous nonsense, I tell you. Absolute, pure, 100% whole-bullpoopy.
Though, I suppose that I can't blame all of this on the school itself. Okay, then I'll blame the district, too. And the state of California. How the heck did we get into such a deep hole anyway? Wait, not "we." THEY. Hmm, I think that I'll allow my anticlimactic side to slip in and then just stop here.

You know, I'm actually more tired when I don't do anything than when I do a lot. Go figure. I want to go run right now, but it's 8:12 in the evening and I fear being out in the dark alone. :(

I want to go sleep right now. After I shower after my mother showers.

School is ending in less than one week. (Who is actually going to count the 22nd as a real school day anyway? And, seriously, how do you expect to be taken seriously as an educational institution if you're going to declare a Monday as the last day of school? Not to mention, that Monday is the first official day of summer.) I will go to graduation, even if it means that I have to skip a class or something. I will applaud and take pictures and shake hands and hug and cry and smile and be happy for every graduate and be glad that I have come to know and befriend them. Well, some of them, anyway. Yay! Gosh darn, I'm going to miss all my senior friends... But I know that they will miss me more!

I want to read fiction books that I'm not assigned to read. And I will most definitely do that over the summer.
I want to work out. Seriously. I love exercising. runrunrunrun!

And I want to shower. So I'll go watch television. :)

Sadly, these are the thoughts that will be roaming around next Thursday evening on the football field of Chatsworth High School. Or, hey, it could turn out to take place in the large gym, just like how Senior Awards Night turned out! How wonderful would that be?


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