Noontime Serenade

Sleepily and disinterestedly I do this, for I lack an urge to complete the last bit of homework that I have in front of me. I woke up at 9:30 this morning, blatantly having ignored my last night plan to run with D at 8:15 (she neglected to awake to her alarm anyway), tended to all the usual morning routines, ate a peach yogurt, and played Scrabble, all the while having a Wikipedia page open somewhere with the initial intention of finishing history.
After nine hours of sleep, I still want more sleep. Go figure.

sigh. I have been complaining of sleepiness for the past two hours or so, but it isn't like I will really go back to sleep, since I haven't even had lunch yet. And, personally, it just makes no sense to sleep after you've just gotten up. And I still have the aforementioned bit of homework to complete. So much for having everything done by Thursday. Oh, well, I would have just done nothing at all today anyway.

Please pause for a commercial break.

Yeah, I went to eat lunch, then just sat on the floor, motionlessly and, again, disinterestedly watching the Suns v. Clippers game. Steve Nash is possibly the skinniest basketball player ever...or, one of them, anyway. He runs so quickly, too...

Admonish is a good word. It appears on the winter break assignment paper for calc.

Hmm, I just saw a commercial for a new episode of "Smallville" this Thursday. I haven't watched it in such a long time. A couple of years ago, I almost religiously watched every episode, and now I don't even care anymore. I guess that goes to show how tastes alter and whatnot.

Last night, I had signed off at ten, telling the people with whom I was chatting that I was going to sleep. Afterward, though, I turned on the television and, in lack of anything better available, began to watch "True Beauty" on channel seven because I no longer felt up to sleeping. In that episode, the contestants went to a clinic in Beverly Hills, where a doctor "scientifically" measured their beauty on a scale of 1 through 100. The doctor's assistant, Miss Debbie, was hilarious. She weighed this one girl and exclaimed, "126?! Where do you put all that?!" I cracked up at that and kept repeating it to myself for the next ten minutes. She also said to the same girl, "Those hips will be great for when you have children." Hahaha. Before the girl, she said to one guy, "You've got some funky feet there, big C.J." Talk about being blunt. As much as I laughed at last night's rerun, I doubt I will ever really watch the show in its entity.

I am no longer watching the basketball game.

So yesterday's run was pretty devastating. Actually, it was the most devastating run ever, in the wrongest ways possible. Very torturous, even! We ran the same block and trail over and over and over again. Talk about monotonous. I mean, we ran the same long block(s) and then down to the bike trail adjacent to the river, then back up to the block(s), back down to the bike trail, et cetera-ly BORING! Geez, I mean, why did they do this to us? For thirteen miles, too! And, each mile seemed much longer than an actual mile, dagnabbit. And the times were so off. I mean, mine was, anyway, because S, W, K, and I were in line for the restroom until well after the run began. So technically, a lot of people have to subtract however much time they spent in line after the race began from the actual posted results. And by "a lot of people," I mean girls. Why is it that there is always a line for the girl's restroom but never one for the guy's, huh? Geez.
After the run, we went to Baccali in Alhambra. The food was good, but the portions are so huge! I got full after like, a minute of slowly eating a part of a sandwich. But I just ate anyway. In the end, just before we left, I kept eating the ice from my glass of ice coffee (without the coffee), and then I wasn't full anymore. I think that that coffee was what made me so sleepy at night and what made me want to sleep at ten. Maybe it's what's making me so sleepy now! (Yes, coffee has perverse effects on me.)
Anyway, the next run, the 10K, is in Chinatown, so we'll see how that goes.

I'm so sleepy...!

You know what? I'm going to end this here for now. I lack the desire to do this anymore.

Until next time,

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
-M. Kathleen Casey

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.
-W. Shakespeare


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