Dandelions and Daffodils

Today marked the beginning of the second week of January. That is, if you count by days and not weeks.

I still have a bit of homework left, but I really do not feel like doing it. You know, I spent a few hours yesterday doing nothing but drawing an extra credit picture to o along with the calc story. And it isn't even that good! Oh, well. I'd say it was time well spent. It's not like I would have judiciously used my time otherwise.

This is probably the first winter break during which I finished the majority of my homework before the weekend prior to school. Yay! You know, now that I've almost banished my former habit of procrastination, I don't know why I spent so much time before procrastinating and feeling miserable for myself at last minute. It feels so good to just have things done before deadline. Speaking of deadline, I read on the New Yorker earlier that the newspaper business is slowly but surely deteriorating. Not that drastically, but enough for economists or anybody else with common sense to foresee its declination and possible extinction in the future due to the great migration of readers to the online wonders of the Internet, where they see and experience such a broad scope of, well, information, information that includes what would otherwise be found in what are now newspapers but later e-news or something. Yeah, so much for being a journalist!

Twice this week I have gone to Yogurtland. I adore it. You know what the best part is? The strawberries! The strawberries are extravagant: just plain extravagant. The kiwi, too. Fruit is good. Too bad it weighs so much... But whatever. We're probably going again tomorrow. What I do dislike, however, are the pistachio and green tea flavors of yogurt. Eww. Whatever we will do tomorrow, we shall see.

Oh, my. Tomorrow is Friday! That means that the half-marathon is two days away. Irvine, hmm. I want to be able to run nonstop for at least six miles again. Or maybe six and a half, so that I know that I will have run at least half of the half-marathon, which is...well, a quarter of the entire marathon, I suppose.

So much for driving. The day after my first driving lesson, I found out that you can't take the driving test until you have had your permit for at least six months. And I've had it for only three months. So I'll just resume lessons in April, during spring break or sometime. It's not like I'm rushing to drive or anything. Nor is it like my parents are rushing me to go anywhere. Not that they ever let me go anywhere! Geez. But, okay, that's an entirely different topic.

Ow, I'm cold...

I can't wait to watch "How I Met Your Mother" tonight. It's such a hilarious show.
I also borrowed the third and last disc of the final season of "Charmed" from the library earlier. That's something to look forward to tonight or tomorrow, as well. Oh, geez, after tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday will seem like a regular weekend before school again. Dagnabbit.

Yeah, I guess that I'll stop here for today. I was on a hiatus for a while since that last paragraph. My stomach aches, gosh darn it.

Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver.

Half the promises people say were never kept, were never made.
-Edgar Watson Howe


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