Out of this Club

Baby, won't you take me out of this club?
I wanna be with you
Baby, let me take you out of this club
I'll make your dreams come true
Baby, won't you take me out of this club?
I wanna be with you

I had contemplated naming this post "Hips Don't Lie" followed by a proclamation of how the pain in my left hip will not even bother to conceal itself. It hurts so much! Whenever I walk, I feel like my hip (bone) is dropping down to my knees, if not lower than that. And my legs are in the process of falling off, as well. The right knee isn't really helping, either. In addition to that are my frequent headaches recently. I have one right now, too. All this physical pain is so...new to me. Seriously, I have never experienced such physical distress, and I will frankly say that it's killing me. Gosh darn it. And I just sneezed a sneeze that went through my left ear.
Yeah, my apologies for such complaints, but seriously, I am in pain.

No school tomorrow. Feels like a vacation all over again, however short it may be. But hey, one day off is better than none, you know? Ah, I absolutely cannot wait until college, where winter break is for real--no homework, no classes to worry about...just plain old fun. Too bad that won't come true until another year or two, darn it. I still have a lot of homework to do, though, because I didn't do anything yesterday or anything much today.

Oh, so the cause of my excruciating physical pain, if you care to know (if not, you may proceed to the next paragraph): my right knee had started hurting a few days ago, but only intermittently. Today we decided to go run to Lincoln High School around 4:30 in the afternoon. Before then, though, I had some soup, a pear, and a guava. I don't know which of the three it was that caused the following, but about halfway to our destination, my stomach began to ache in a way like never before! So instead of going straight as planned, we decided to turn around the other way and run at the historic park thingy adjacent to the Metrolink station place. When we got there, SOMEbody didn't feel like walking all the way to the entrance, which honestly did seem quite far away, and decided to climb over the small, short fence thing. The other two of us, though, couldn't do it! I had never before climbed a fence, not even a minuscule one as that. So he gave up after much exasperation and we walked toward the entrance, however unwillingly, until we encountered one part of the fence where there were actual things we could use as steps to climb over. And a passerby lady stared at us and suggested for him to help us over. After much apprehension on our parts and amusement on their parts, we finally made it over. I had climbed a fence! Yay! And now I have like, two marks on my right hand from it, dagnabbit. But anyway, we ran for a few minutes until we feared we had lost our male running companion for today because it was so dark already and he had run so far ahead. After we found one another and had our friendly little reunion, though, we proceeded on toward home. I guess I can't run anymore. But I still would like to go there tomorrow morning just to walk around. It's so beautifully serene there. Kind of creepy at night, but that's what sunlight is for!

You know, there was actually good stuff I had wanted to blog here about. But it seems every one of everything has slipped my mind. You know, I think that I am aging at an abnormally fast rate for such a younging, don't you think?

You know what I want to do right now? I want to read a Nicholas Sparks book and cry. That's right. I want to cry at a book. That's actually one of the best remedies, in my opinion.

Oh, "One Tree Hill" tomorrow! Oh, my, my, how I adore that show. One of the best ever, in my opinion.

Hmm, Obama does his inauguration on Tuesday. And for once, I am actually the least bit excited about a political event. Go figure. We'll probably be mandated to watch it for English class anyway. Possibly history class, as well. I never know about history class. Oh, we have a test on Tuesday, I know that much.

Guess what?
I'm tired. Therefore, I am going to go sleep.

Good night to you all.
I mean, good (insert time of day) to you all would serve more appropriate, I suppose.

Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.
-Denis Waitlet


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