Here I Am, Once Again

Not once again, really. More like "finally."

My sincere apologies for boring you with, well, nothing. My excuse is, as always, that I have been busy with a plethora of matters, and apparently, this has not been one of them. Oh, well. I'm here now, aren't I? Let us make the best of this.

First off, I am so tired now. Not even tired, actually. My eyes are tired, and my head hurts (notice I didn't say that I have a headache), both of which have been occurring frequently lately. Solution: sleep. sigh. If only!
My legs are going to be so sore tomorrow; nine miles today. Nine point something, I don't care too much at the moment to do exact calculations; all I know for sure is 15K (kilometers?), which, if you don't know, is quite long! I slept on the bus on the way back and woke up with something along the line of naseau (if that is how it is spelled). It was awfully horrible, but after lunch and a shower, I'm feeling quite better now, thank you for caring.

The next run is approximately four weeks away from today, and I must say that I feel quite apethetic about it right now. I wonder why.

When I got out of the shower earlier, I had an urge to (try to) play the guitar. Then I realized, sadly, that I have forgotten everything. I was afraid to even try to match the notes with the frets and fingerboard and stuff because I cannot deny that I have forgotten it all! Plus, I cannot find my sheet music guide things (lessons). Dagnabbit. I'll take a stab at the piano (no, not literally) soon, sometime either today or tomorrow, more likely the latter.

I noticed that I neglected to mention that today's run was at Cabrillo Beach. And here I was so hyped up because I thought we'd be running alongside the actual beach. Once I discovered that it was to be the contrary, however, I kept exclaiming, "We're supposed to be running at Cabrillo Beach, not Cabrillo streets!" But I was fine with it; obviously I survived.
Anyway, it was a shame in that I didn't even bother to bring flip flops, because I wanted to go into the ocean/ water afterward, where lots of kids were tending to the frivolous side of their mornings after having completed the serious running. Oh, well, not like I can swim anyway.

Come to speak of it, I want to learn how to swim again. I was such a strong swimmer way back when; I swam hard and survived even through the toughest of waters and other swimmers. Eventually, I make it out of my mommy's uterus! And then I forgot how to swim. Hahaha.

The other day, I read on Yahoo! Entertainment, or maybe it was MySpace, not "Myspace" (to be politically correct), that David Archuleta's first CD comes out this coming Tuesday. The following week shall be in stores David Cook's first CD. What a wonder; what two wonders, actually. The two Davids, once again contending. It shall be interesting (the reviews, I mean).

Mrs. L (I shall use only initials now) told our class yesterday that on Ebay (whatever the correct capitalization may be), the LA Times front cover from Wednesday, the day following elections, is now worth up to two hundred dollars. And she had several people in the class go to the recycling bins to pick out the LA Times that the school always gets but never, ever uses. After school, I found out that there isn't even any two hundred dollar bid for that! But I am sure that it will be worth that much, if not a lot more, sometime in the future. I have begun investing in newspaper front covers. Go figure.
About the school always getting newspapers but never using them. That is just so stupid! I bet that no student was ever even aware of that fact. Therefore, all those valuables just go to waste every morning. What idiosy (I forget if it's with a "c" or "s"), I tell you. It makes me mad. I mean, why?!

Speaking of things that make me mad, I hate being in the humanities academy. It isn't even humanities--it's "HumanitAs." I may have neglected to say how much I absolutely despise homeroom even though nobody ever bothers me or vice versa or anything. I just hate it! I cannot believe that I am going to be taking major tests there for the rest of the year and possibly even next year. What a nightmare. I hate it.
On top of that, I recently found out that humanities (it most certainly does not deserve capitalization; if I didn't care about anything, I would even intentionally spell it incorrectly) students have to have forty hours of humanities service or whatever the frak it is to graduate. Forty hours! How inexplicably gay is that?! I absolutely refuse to do any of those hours because for one, I hate the academy in and of itself, and two, I am not even in any of those classes! Nope, none at all, thank goodness gracious. I was actually about to be in one, Honors "humanitas" US history. That means that I would have had my homeroom teacher (some kind of a teacher she is, I think) nearly one and a half hours a day, and I know that I cannot stand that. I can barely stand fifteen minutes of being in her classroom, much less being her student. Gosh.
I mean, not to talk smack about her or anything; I'm just stating my opinions.

Apparently, the SAT results from last Saturday will be available online in about two weeks. I wonder how I did on those two tests for which I studied a whole lot of nothing for. Ah, we', I'll see. And either complain loudly or smile meekly. Or just not care, although it's bad to not care because this is the year to care. About grades and standardized tests (which are so overrated to judge by anyway), anyway. Next year will be about applications and essays here and there and anywhere else all over the world and then perhaps some other places beyond here and there and anywhere else all over the world. Who knows? I know I sure don't.

I wonder when I will begin chemistry homework. Or finish up that calc assignment. Or get a head start of that English online thing. Or do anything pertaining to school (as in, not this).
It is outrageous that I have a B in English. Purely outrageous, I say! What have I ever done to deserve... Well, okay, I admit that I D'ed and failed all those Scarlet Letter and Huckleberry Finn tests, but still! Okay, fine, maybe a B is fine. But it's a B-minus, and I have never had lower than an A-minus in English before. Purely outrageous. I will not in any way, shape or form accept this grade for the final report card. No, siree.

I believe that I have been blogging for a bit over an hour, if not longer. It is now 4:06 in the afternoon, and what a beautiful afternoon it is, and I am still sleepy. Granted, I still haven't slept. But, yeah.

sigh. I need to explore and seek other ways by which to enrich my now seemingly semi-arts-deprived life. Maybe I should walk those couple of blocks down to the museum down in the big I'm talking about Downtown and wherever the closest museum from here is.

Speaking of museums, Mrs. D made us draw in Spanish yesterday, which, if you care to ask me, is also rather outrageous, because it's a Spanish, not art, class. I don't know. Whatever sinks her ship, I guess. As long as I don't sink with her, because that would be...not pleasant. More on her: sometime last week, she started discussing low-income people with me. Or, to me, since I did not have any desire whatsoever to converse with her but was practically coerced to listen to her babbling for the sole, sad reason that she is my teacher and I must respect her. That, and the fact that I sit less than a foot's distance from her. Anyhow, she ranted about how low-income people are the ones who, put simply, ruin our society because all they do is take and take but never give back. She went on on that for a few dreadful minutes and then "supported" her argument by opinionating that people who receive lunch tickets and receive thousands of dollars a year (what with scholarships and financial aid) should pay some money back to either the school, the school district, or the California government. And immediately, I defensively thought, "Well, that's the point of being low-income, is that you can't afford to pay for the things you need! So why would you give back when you don't have anything yourself?" And whatever you receive is most likely spent wisely, too. She then claimed that the wealthy people have to work hard for everything and reiterated that others do not. As if!
Anyway, yeah, that just really offended me, even though she had stated that she meant no offense to anybody. Like that meant anything.

I am exhausted. I suppose that I so elongated this entry because I haven't done any in a while and thought of this as compensation. Or, well, who cares.

Okay, I believe that I have exhausted all that I've wanted to say to you (whoever you are) here. Hence, I shall do something else now.

You know my digits!
(If you were ever lucky enough to attain them, that is.)


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