Blue Cold

Looks like the real weather is finally coming in. Cold, cloudy, windy..., dark.

Beyonce is on the Ellen DeGeneres show right now, and she is performing one of the songs on her new album. Sounds quite nice to me. I belive that this is the first time I have ever seen her dressed so...professionally. In other words, appropriately. And her hair is up in a ponytail. How cool is that? I mean, that she looks so spiffy. Perhaps that's the look that accompanies "Sasha Fierce"? Oh, my. She's crying as she is singing this song. Why? It's nice, though, because it only means that what she sings comes from the heart; it conveys her passion. She's still crying! Aw, what a performance.

Thanksgiving arrives in, well, after tomorrow. Do you know what that means? The end of yet another month is fast approaching! sigh. Time, time, time. Seriously, though, one day, I want to just get a clock and hold it in my hands just so I can say that I have a lot of time on my hands and literally mean it. Ah, I funny myself.
Anyhow, the day after Thanksgiving shall be one of exhausting shopping. Yay! Yeah, I have wanted and/ or needed new sweaters/ jackets for a while now. And my mother said that we can purchase a laptop and printer on Friday, which I am looking forward to because the computer has been so gayishly dysfunctional, the printer has been making atypical noises (noise, not sound), and the laptop is simply slow. Gee, well, we'll see what happens or doesn't on Friday on Friday. Looks like we're going to have to wake up early (or stay up all night). Probably neither.

Oh, my! Mandy Moore! Oh, my! "How to Deal" tonight at 8 on channel 7! Oh, gee. I am so excited. Even though I watched it two years ago. The only reason why I watched it was because it claimed to have association with Sarah Dessen, so you know.

Speaking of television entertainment, I haven't watched "One Tree Hill" or "Gossip Girl" in such a long time. Not that I mind the least bit, really, because who really cares about shows when you can find them online anytime anyway? And especially when you have homework to tend to?

So today at the beginning of chemistry class, I asked L something about the notes that we were supposed to turn in, and she claimed indifference and said, "We're all going to end up the same anyway." That blunt statement enlightened me and I prompted, "Dead?" To which she agreed and we both laughed a bit.

Today was quite a funny day, albeit the two bad scores in a row I received first and second periods. Goodness gracious. I shall not even bother to address that right here right now. As I was going to say, we did some funny stuff in journalism today (no poetry intended). Well, we wrote some funny stuff; we don't know if it will be acceptable, but hopefully so, because it greatly amuses me.

What else shall I talk about?
I haven't begun any homework for tonight, dagnabbit. But it's only...calc, history (actually classwork from last week that I neglected in order to complete other assignments and tie loose ends), and English.

I wonder what the school day will be like tomorrow. Let's see. First period, Mr. W will not be present. Second period, of course she's going to teach (or maybe give another one of those excruciatingly perplexing AP quizzes, which I usually fail). Third...oh, yeah. Have I ever mentioned my tendency to forget what my third period class is on a regular basis? Though, it shouldn't really be surprising, because that class does not even feel like a class, considering that we barely do any real work in there. Okay, I lied. We never do any real work in there. Maybe aside from that quiz he gave us because we didn't read and be quiet like he told us to (and I got a zero on that quiz because I didn't read like he told us to! Shouldn't I get at least partial credit for being quiet?). Fourth period...gee, Mrs. L. You know, I actually look forward to that class nowadays; yes, call me odd. Spanish, who really cares. I don't. Actually, nobody else seems to, so que-ever, dude. Story deadline for journalism tomorrow! Ah, I had so much fun writing with K today. It was hilarious.

I absolutely adore romantic comedies. Particularly those pertaining to the holiday season. Those are of highest interest on my list. Which leads me to say, I want to watch "Four Christmases". Is it one s, or two? Darn it.

We have to have another scrimmage for Deca next Monday! Ugh. And I suppose that that will be the final determinant in who gets to be on the team. Or whatever. I'm trying to not make a big deal out of it, and it's not even like I'm studying or anything. The only study I do, zilch.

Anyway, I am beginning to bore myself. I realized only earlier that if something is boring for me to write, then that something must be the least bit boring for my audience to read.
My bad.

But I must now tend to my homework. I think I hear it calling out my name...

Looking forward to tomorrow, sans rain, hopefully.

equation :)


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