
I really ought to be somewhere else right now. Instead, I am at home, longing to be at that someplace else with a whole bunch of somebody in particular, I suppose you may have already inferred.

What a rush, what a rush. I think that I shall be doing quite a bit of writing tonight, considering that I don't have that much homework this weekend. (Note to self...or you can remind me this, too: English essay!) Actually, putting that note to self seems quite senseless since I never really read my own blog anyway. Well, sometimes I glance at it just to see what has happened over the past however ong it's been since the last blog or whatever I am saying right now. I don't even want to be home now. I want to be out!

Seriously, though, what kind of a teenager stays at home all the time? Even one of my cousins, who "doesn't even like going outside," goes out every once in a while. Granted, he goes out for the purpose of an income, but still. I don't think that this is healthy. Today in journalism, while waiting for stuff to edit, I went to and saw and skimmed through an article about the necessity for play for children for psychological development and growth. Well, obviously a child needs play for nurture, right? But also obviously, my mother does not realize that. And look how I turned out. Go figure. Just kidding about that second to last line, by the way.

I really, really do not feel like doing anything right now. Oh, dagnabbit. There's a chemistry lab write up due Monday, and I don't even really remember what we did for that! It was two entire weeks ago. As if I would know. Anyway, I'm still not going to do it. So I have chemistry homework to complete, history work to catch up on, and an English essay (which should take only about 40 minutes, as in the real exam) to write. Furthermore, we are going to have yet another scrimmage for Deca the Monday after Thanksgiving break. What is up with that? Goodness.

Today's math test was so... Ugh. I hate myself for it. Stupid, stupid me! Just like, hit me with a math book right now, why don't I? I knew how to do that last Newton's law of cooling problem like the back of my hand, but then for the very last step I multiplied instead of divide! Ugh! I had wanted to get a B on that test, but after a bit of discussion of answers, my goal went down to a 75. And now I think that I'll be lucky to even land a 70. And I thought that I new it so well. Stupid word problems. I will always have a vendetta for word problems. Not just because of today; I never liked them anyway. I hate myself sometimes. I suck! And! The bonus questions... The one time there are bonus questions similar to exercises and tables from the book, I don't look at the book. I usually glance through the chapter for at least a few minutes, but this time, I didn't! Stupid, stupid me! I hate myself. I want to be done with math already. Goshness gracious gee. I was so very mad at myself today. And now that I'm talking about it again, I still am! Okay, I'll stop.

And now I wish to be elsewhere at a particular Thanksgiving dinner at a particular location with a particular few.

sigh. Two hours.

And there's Deca workshop tomorrow. Dagnabbit. Does it seem like I incessantly complain about Deca nowadays? Ah, well. Yeah, we'll see in a couple of weeks how this all turns out, or doesn't.

When, oh when will I ever get to go out somewhere?

Oh, right, and I also have to read The Color of Water for English. Also by Monday. An excellent book it is so far, and I am sure that an excellent book it will be in the end. Rather surprising that Mrs. L assigned such a good book. Actually, A Lesson Before Dying was quite fine, as well. Whatever one we shall next read, I look forward to. I think. Rhetorical analysis is rather fun (if you know how to do it). Well, not fun exactly, but it isn't that difficult if you know all your literary terms and devices. And such.
I got an S for work habits in English! What the heck is up with that? I thought she said she was giving everybody both E's. But apparently not. Goodness. Really? Just for not saying enough during discussions? She really hates it when we don't participate. And we have only twelve students in the class, half of whom are reserved, one of which is me. But yeah, whatever.

Aside from longing to be elsewhere right now, I am also looking at a Chinese show. Or, well, a few different ones, since my mother keeps flipping channels every time a commercial begins. Why is there nothing good on on Friday nights anyway? Monday and Thursday night shows are good. Too bad I don't watch television on those nights, though! Actually, when do I ever really nowadays. Gee.

Ah, I wish to wake up at six tomorrow morning and go run or something until around 7:45 then return home and shower, eat breakfast, then go to Bravo for HIPP. Ha, wake up at six on a Saturday. Unfortunately, that is not unheard of. I've been waking up early almost every weekend for the past...this entire semester! How atrociously appalling is that, right? Talk about sleep deprivation. Continual sleep deprivation, that is.

Chicken broth with starch with water... Interesting. I just witnessed (on television) a wonderful recipe. Well, a seemingly intriguing one, anyway. Who would have ever thunk of steaming orange peel stuffed with crab meat and the actual orange pieces? It looks pretty. Quite a lot of effect a plate can add to a serving of food. That, in addition to a couple of leaves or fruit or even sauce of some kind. I want to be able to cook like that. If only it would taste acceptable. Haha.

sigh. I think I want to just go sleep right now. Or not. I have to do something. Or not. Maybe I should just shower, read a few chapters of the aforementioned book, my nightly routines and simply sleep until somebody calls me. So I can wake up at six tomorrow. Hopefully. Eh, we shall see. Or, well, I shall. You'd be sleeping.

I cannot believe that November is coming to an end. Yet another month, and sooner than either of us realizes, I will be saying, "yet another year." How quickly time sprints by. I wonder why they don't call time "sprint."

Please pause as your hostess takes a much needed hiatus toward the vicinity of the facilities.

And I'm back! Are you not oh so glad? (Poetry not intended.)

Yeah, you know what? I am going to shower now, do half of my nightly routines, read until I get sleepy, comkplete the other half of my nightly routines, and then sleep. Until six and then run for a while then come back, eat and prepare for workshop. Hopefully. Whatever will happen after HIPP, I do not know. Again, we shall see.

Until next time,
enjoy life despite all its despicable occurrences.
(Supposedly, the world will end on December 21, 2012, according to the Aztecs or some other ancient civilization.)


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