Decision Making

Why is decision making so difficult, anyway?

It is currently a quarter to four in the afternoon, and I just thought that I would take a couple of minutes (and then some, as we all probably already know) to do this because as I was eating yogurt (blueberry, yum) a few minutes ago, it occurred to me how much time has passed since I last did this. About a week plus a few days. If you care to know.

Seriously, though, life is hard. I mean, the concept and principle of it is deceivingly simple. But the seemingly, deceivingly "little things" in it... Gosh. What a rip-off. I would like to file a complaint to the deities up or down wherever they may reside (or not).

And here I thought that I wasn't going to have much homework today because I had been working on chemistry and only chemistry the entire day yesterday. No joke. Yes, it surprised me, too. And now, I have to do more chemistry (which I don't mind), math (which will undoubted take a long, long time considering how excruciatingly perplexing today's classnotes were...or were not!), English (another essay for which I will kill myself putting in so much effort as opposed to all of everybody else's for which they put in almost no effort), and journalism (one story idea and one current event, the latter assignment of which I always dread because current events are so boring, contrary to what they are thought to be).
Do you know what we did in Spanish today? Heck, do you know what we do in Spanish everyday? Nothing! Ugh. If I was one of those people who could block out all the noise and just go on with my life (homework-wise, of course; it's not like I have any other life, my goodness), I would and could do all my other homework assignments there. Oh, well. Anyway, today we were fortunately granted the privilege of exercising the principle of democracy of the Democratic Republic in which Americans dwell: we voted. On our favorite cubism drawings. From the students... Yeah, exciting, huh? Not really.

So the other day, I was in the kitchen (yes, again) and the word "incredible" came to mind.
"Credible" means believable, does it not? And typically, "incredible" connotes something positive, does it not? However, if you call something "incredible", are you not implying that it is not believable? Not as in the positive "unbelievable," but as in it is not to be trusted. Therefore, "incredible" is actually a negative adjective! And hence, I shall not call anything incredible again. Save a few cases in which I have no other word and/ or in which I do mean whatever the general public thinks wrongly.

A thought came to mind, and I was reminded of something that Mrs. J said once upon a Thursday, Oct. 3 (that's how we write the dates in the newspaper, so I'll just go along with that for now): "Perfect is calculus. Calculus will give you the exact answer." Yes, I actually wrote that down in my notebook. I was supposed to write about that a long while ago (as you probably have deduced by the date), but it just always slipped my mind. Until now. Anyway, I guess that that is true. In terms of math! Unless you're one of those fools who rounds fractions and irrationals down to decimals and then goes on with the work. Then it isn't exact. Then your calculus isn't perfect. Ha, I don't even know if I'm making sense right now.
Anyway, remember what I mentioned about today's math notes? Yeah, so mr. no-middle-name (and therefore deserves no capitalization) behind me joked and said that in AB, "B" stood for basic, and now in BC, "B" stands for beast. Later on, he exclaimed (kind of, not really) that it's simply "Beyond Comprehension". Which, undoubtedly, is so very true. For today, anyway. Haha.

Speaking of "for today, anyway", we have a chapter test on Friday. I hate "chapter" tests; the horrible nomenclature makes them sound like such a big deal, which they are, I suppose. But still. I would much rather have a long "quiz" than a short "test." I think. That's what I always said about math last year.

The song "I Hate This Part" by the Pussycat Dolls, or as my sister called them the other day, PCD, is currently stuck in my head.

I want to go to Borders to buy the book tthat we're reading for English now. The Color of Water. Supposedly, it's "fast reading" because it's all letters or something, but I won't know until I actually read it. I do have the book that I borrowed from class, but I really want my own copy, because I love buying books. Heck, I just love books.

According to Mrs. D, California "shakes, bakes, and burns". As in earthquakes, heat, and fires. The latter of which has been a major dilemma lately. I mean, what is up with all these fires anyway? Arson is not good! Fire isn't good. These fires are causing so much more than pollution and economic disaster (on top of economic disaster). Zero percent containment is very frightening, too. I mean, if even firefighters can't control it, who can? Those skeptically aforementioned deities? Nah, I think not.

It is now 4:17, and it has been way over "a few minutes", as expected.

Anyway, I am going to commence homework at this moment and whatever. I still really want to go to Borders, dagnabbit.

How rapidly a girl's serious infatuation can swiftly turn to silly, impulsive love.
-Jane Austen

The wider the horizon, the more you walk. The more you linger in everything, the better chance you have of finding particles of truth.
-Isabel Allende


Anonymous said…
if you give Mrs. L your blog site, she would be amazed. haha

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