This is My Now

...and I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around, I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts.
That was then, this is my now...

Love that song <3

I really ought to be doing homework right now. I just finished writing in my journal for...almost two hours. It's quite invigorating, really. I really should do homework.

It's almost become my FINAL decision to quit piano. I honestly don't care anymore. I never practice. Though it's hard for me to give it up, it's even harder knowing that I'm just letting my teacher on, because I know that I couldn't care less about it anymore. Piano has become one of my "identifiers", as I like to call it, and that's one of the reasons why it's taken me so long to actually not mind stopping. I could always practice even though I won't have lessons anymore. But let's get real here. I don't practice even when I do have lessons. Agh, we'll see how it all turns out. I just need to set my priorities straight, like I've said numerous times before.

Why am I even writing right now? I really need to do my homework.


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