Some People Say...

...that sharing is caring.
Here's what I say:
Don't care, don't share.
But unlike what I say,
I don't share, but I do care.
And sharing isn't always necessarily caring. Sharing a cigarette isn't caring. You're killing the person you're supposedly "sharing" it with. So there you go. Yet another example that there are two sides to everything.
Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Blah blah blah.
You know, what's the use of calendars? The days all pass by the same anyway. It's not as if knowing what "day" it is would change how things turn out or anything. And how in the world would we know that there are however many days in one month? That there are seven days a week? It's all supposed.
I would love to get into all this and the literally part, but I'm short on time, as I have homework, although I technically don't have any homework due tomorrow, but I should really study and read to study. Etcetera.
Here are two lines of a little something I wrote today:
I let my guard down
My walls fell and I fell for you...
Here's what I say:
Don't care, don't share.
But unlike what I say,
I don't share, but I do care.
And sharing isn't always necessarily caring. Sharing a cigarette isn't caring. You're killing the person you're supposedly "sharing" it with. So there you go. Yet another example that there are two sides to everything.
Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Blah blah blah.
You know, what's the use of calendars? The days all pass by the same anyway. It's not as if knowing what "day" it is would change how things turn out or anything. And how in the world would we know that there are however many days in one month? That there are seven days a week? It's all supposed.
I would love to get into all this and the literally part, but I'm short on time, as I have homework, although I technically don't have any homework due tomorrow, but I should really study and read to study. Etcetera.
Here are two lines of a little something I wrote today:
I let my guard down
My walls fell and I fell for you...