Beautiful Disaster

While I was entering the restroom just two minutes ago to throw away trash, I almost bumped smack into the wall. When I came out, I kicked a shoebox. Then I was about to put on slippers to go into the kitchen, and I almost (again) bumped into the shelf right there.
Boy, am I alert today.

I guess the "badness" of things always eventually fade away. Fourth through sixth periods aren't so bad anymore. Although sixth period PE is still quite detestable from time to time. The sun is so unbelievably bright at that time!
Speaking of weather, the weather this week has been INSANE. The winds can literally blow a child away. They're literally HUGE GUSTS, not breezes, but CONTINUAL GUSTS of HURRICANEOUS WIND. (No, "hurricaneous" isn't a word.)
I read about the fires on (or something like that) when I got home earlier. It's really tragic, really. 300,000 people as of now have had to evacuate their homes. 13 or 14 fires concurrently going. Unbelieva-freaking-ble. This isn't something that's happening across the world, where we can just say, "Oh, there's a fire. Boo hoo." This is happening locally, and it can spread anywhere, especially with the aforementioned crazy winds.
Regardless the locations of natural disasters such as this, we all should feel a bit of compassion and empathize some.
Rather ironic, I'd say. A book I recently read (Sadly, I forgot what book!) kept stating that nature always goes on, not caring what happens to humans. Whatever catastrophe, whatever tragedy, it simply goes on with its ways. ...OH, I REMEMBER THE BOOK NOW! The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. And in Lord of the Flies, one of the themes is the destructive forces of nature. How sadly true that theme is.
But I guess nature can be one of those beautiful disasters.

Well, I suppose that's all I have to say for now.


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