La Dee Dah

So, I really don't want to quit piano. Then again, I really don't want to continue. My heart simply isn't in it anymore. I feel that it'd be unfair to my teacher if I just keep going to lessons but not willing to practice. Half-hearted. It's just not the way to go for something like this.
Hence, I shall take a (long) break. Though whoever knows me knows that that will eventually lead to quitting anyway. But taking a break sounds better than just plain quitting. Who knows? Maybe one day my interest in piano will grow back...maybe not. (cough, cough)

Not much to talk about today. Didn't do much today, and that includes homework, although I was at school for seven hours. But that's beside the point that I didn't get much done today. So I shall do homework after this...And do homework tomorrow night, obviously.

I seriously feel like breaking off connections with everyone sometimes. It's like, "JUST LEAVE ME THE FREAKING HECK ALONE, WHY DON'T YOU?!" or, "SHUT UP. YOU'RE ANNOYING ME." Oh, it'd be sweet to have a t-shirt that says that. Totally sweet.

I learned some new things today, as I always do when I go to HIPP workshops (Yes, I'm actually including a "detail"). So, as our "educator" was saying. Actually, it lasted seven hours, so he said a lot of things. A LOT OF THINGS, indeed. But what I remember most is this:
Most people are cynics because they are afraid of failure after trying their best.
Of course, I reworded it a bit, but that's the gist of it. I was sitting there, so captured by those words, because I realized how true it is. And I would know, because I also realized right then that I'm like that. So, yeah. That's one of the reasons why I love HIPP so much. The first twenty minutes or so are quite inspiring and awakening (literally for the latter, haha).
HIPP makes learning hip ;)

As I've said so many times before, I really need to start prioritizing my time. I've never had to do that before, and I've never even had such a radical thought before this semester started. But things change. Obviamente.

NO! My sister found out yesterday that Gossip Girl can no longer be watched on YouTube because it's copyrighted by whatever or whatever. Darn! I knew it was too good to be true. Ugh, now my Friday source of entertainment is gone. If I was a workaholic, I probably wouldn't mind; I'd just go do some work. Geez.

Oh, I also learned a story of Beethoven today. It made me almost cry. I'll spare the details. And the big idea. And any ideas, actually. If you want to learn some things about him, just...Google or Wikipedia it. Speaking of Wikipedia, I find it fascinating that people fine Wikipedia so fascinating. They actually READ it! Just like I read the dictionary! (Haha, okay, I flip through it and write down words of interest. Which are like, every two words.)

Maybe I should be an editor. I can totally catch mistakes very quickly and efficiently. In pieces of writing. Whatever I end up doing, I hope it's something in the writing category. It's something I never get sick of.

Okay, I must go do some stuff and homework now.
So until next time...



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