Spring Splash

Today, I finally went to UC Riverside and attended Spring Splash. The first thing I saw when I got off the car was Pentland, analogous to UCLA's De Neve plaza, except considerably better, in my opinion. The dorm was absolutely, undoubtedly better than any of UCLA's. I mean, the loft is actually a loft, as opposed to a bunk bed and a desk underneath it. So, I LOVE the Pentland dorms. And then the campus itself was really nice. I love how big it seems despite its actual size, which is quite small. It feels like such an intimate environment. And safe. All that grass, all those trees, and all those flowers make up a serene environment that I like. Gosh, I have fallen deeply in love with the University of California, Riverside. Now I kind of really wish that I had known about UCR before I started high school so that I didn't have to spend the last four years working so freaking hard. If I go there now, it'll feel like all that effort has gone to waste.

Spring Splash was pretty cool. Such a huge crowd... not good for my "claustrophobia", but I managed. What I could not manage, however, was the abundant POT-SMOKING. People there just smoke all sorts of funky stuff in the open and blow the smoke right up into the air! Left and right, behind and in front, people were smoking all around me. I think I might have lost at least a year or two of my life just by inhaling all that (I have to breathe, after all). The music was loud, funny, and good. Murs and Nas were the big deals of the whole event. Murs's hair is a beast, man. He must spend more time trying to make it look weird rather than normal. Nas is untimely, but cool. All of them hated on radio music and "fake rap", though. And Nas appreciated all aforementioned smoke in the air, haha.

I got lots of good snacks from the convenience store! Too bad the bookstore wasn't open today, or else I would have gotten some UCR attire just to spite my parents or whatever.

We left Riverside around eight and went to JJ Cafe for dinner.
Today was a good day. Thank you again, (you know your name!).

I just don't understand why my parents are so bitter that I went to UCR today, though. It's not like I'm going to go there. Even if I were, it's not like it would be the end of the world. They act like it's absolutely mandatory that I SIR for UCLA, or else. What the heck. More on that tomorrow, though.

What to do tomorrow...? I really don't want to study at all. Stupid AP exams! Let high school be over already! Gosh.

Overall, today was a good day. :)
I miss UCR already, though.


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