
My mother, sister and I are supposed to go shopping today, but neither of them is awake yet, apparently. And it's 12:40! So I'm sitting here, attempting to do the lit poetry assignment, and waiting for lunch because I am hungry (saltine crackers do not help at all).

At last, it looks like I'm staying in good old Southern California. Yep, I was denied acceptance by all the private schools I applied to, with the exception of Boston University, which I am slightly considering but will most likely be ruled out anyway. Now I am anxiously awaiting UCSD Admit Day. I don't know, though. Often, when I say it's between Los Angeles and San Diego, people say something along the line of "UCLA, duh!". Others can't stop describing San Diego's beautiful environment. Like I've said before, my mother absolutely insists on the former simply because it's closer and because it's ranked higher. You would think that that is reason enough to make a final decision, right? But we shall see.
Yesterday, I checked the admission decisions for four schools, and the first three were just whatever. But the last one, Princeton, made me feel just a bit disappointed, because even though I haven't said it aloud in a while, Princeton has been my dream school since tenth grade! In addition to that, its rejection letter was pretty mean! I mean, they couldn't even bother to put a greeting? Goodness. But then I went to get McDonalds ice cream with D (the male one) and S, and that made me feel tremendously better... not that I was feeling all that bad in the first place, haha.

During dinner last night, I suddenly wondered why people say "I'm home!".
If you say "I am ___", does the blank not call for an adjective? In that case, wouldn't you say "I'm homely"? Moreover, if people say "I'm home", why don't they say "I'm school!" or "I'm work!"? Rather, they say "I'm AT school" or "I'm AT work". To parallel with this, why not "I'm AT home" in lieu of "I'm home", which, in my opinion, is absolutely nonsense?
Just a thought.

Today is the last day of spring break. It saddens me. I am really going to miss sleeping after midnight and waking up just before noon or even later. And then lounging around for a few hours before finally doing homework... then taking trips to McDonalds and all that good stuff. I didn't even get to watch the drama A recommended to me!

Earlier, I saw a Facebook group called "Why you get C and B? You're not C-sian or B-sian! You're Asian!" I mention this just because it actually makes sense to me and I find it humorous.

I realized yesterday that AP exams are coming up in a month! Oh, no!

I hope I don't fall asleep walking around the mall later.


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