Self Conflict

I just need one more kiss, one more touch
I just can't get enough of you
But I'm in a rush, I gotta fly away
Plane's waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three
There's a doorway to my dreams
I could go or I could stay
Should I change my life or miss my flight?

I hate this feeling in my stomach. This tight, twisted feeling I get when something is not right. Breathing is strained and sleep is tantalizing. I want to do nothing but lie in bed and think until I fall asleep. Just like a lazy bum! Notwithstanding the thinking part, probably. Argh, I hate feeling like this. I'm wasting happiness time.
Actually, for the past few days, I've only been wasting time, particularly on the computer. And you know I've done nothing because I haven't even watched "Days of Our Lives" in well over a week! I should resume that sometime soon. Surprisingly, though, I do not miss it. Maybe I should try to see how long I can withstand life without my favorite soap opera. Challenge on.

But I seriously feel so plain BLAH. And I'm not even high on hormones, either! That was so last week, and I was perfectly fine then. At least I know the cause(s) of it, the most outstanding of which is probably my recent lack of sleep... Although, lack of sleep isn't necessarily a new thing for me. But I think it's all catching up again. This must mean that I have to stay home from school either tomorrow or Friday. Yay.

Bio lab after school today was ridiculous. I dislike bio labs. Chem labs are so much better. I miss AP Chemistry, and I can't wait for this year to be over so I can find things about this year to miss. If that even made sense. I'm not even making sense in my mind. Geez.

I'm just going to do whatever and be bitter until I go to sleep.


K. Kim said…
I miss AP Chemistry too!

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