Scary Movie Night

I will come right out with it. I did not do any homework today, not to mention any bio.
I suppose tomorrow will be "catch up" day: finish bio and at least start lit. And then Friday and the weekend shall be whatever.

Tonight, I invited myself to D's movie night with her friends--not that my presence made any difference to them. We watched "The Uninvited" and "The Unborn". I expected the former to be more exciting or something, but what a disappointingly anticlimactic ending! It was all in her head... "The Unborn", on the other hand, was quite scary, but the cute boy just had to die! And then the ending was also a bit disappointing in that there wasn't a final resolution because the cycle starts again, meaning that the cute boy died for nothing!

Yesterday, I woke up at 11:46, meaning that I had slept (nearly) 12 hours for the first time in a long time! Yay, me! Too bad that success was undermined when I woke up at 9:09 this morning, having slept just about nine hours... And then I just did nothing.

In the afternoon, I went to a post office in Alhambra to renew my long-ago expired passport... for $100! Actually, $102.20, the extra $2.20 for "money order" because I didn't have a checkbook. The lady was so rude! Rather than patiently explaining herself better, she ACTUALLY said--and I quote--"Oh, my god. I don't know how to communicate with you!" In addition to that, she openly expressed her frustration. What kind of a worker does that with customers?! No wonder she's only a "sales associate"--in the POST OFFICE.
Oh, right. My point is that renewing a passport is so very expensive! You could just make your own at home for a conveniently low (i.e. illegal) price of ____ cents (i.e. years in prison)!

Well, this is a bit awkward. D is watching me as I am blogging... And she is now giving me her classic "what the buck" look. She laughs.

So although the two movies weren't all that great... I'm a bit afraid to sleep alone tonight. Anybody like to accompany me? Hahaha, just kidding! About the accompaniment, I mean. I think.

Today is March 31st. Do you all know what that means? Tomorrow is April 1st. Do you all know what that means? I hear from the rest of the schools I applied to. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. But that happens after 4 p.m. so hopefully I will be done with bio by then.

Aw, man. Maybe I wasn't really kidding about the accompaniment thing... :(

How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?
-Paul Sweeney


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