
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies...

Over the past year, I have developed a profound appreciation for rap music. Rap, I have realized, is more about the lyrics than the melodies. In fact, the singers often do not even demonstrate any evidence of their potentially melodious voices. Rather, they converse along with the beat and and background music, ascertaining that their words are clearly heard.

In four days, I will run the 25th annual Los Angeles Marathon. Sorry I'm breaking the promise I made last year, but this time, I have actually been preparing and I am too excited about the route. Starting from Dodger Stadium, we will run through Chinatown, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and last of all, Santa Monica.

I could get used to this CAHSEE testing schedule. The hour-long homeroom is such good time to do whatever I need to get done for the day. Too bad today was the second and last day of CAHSEE testing.
Lately, I have been feeling tremendously lazy. Unbelievably, uncharacteristcally lazy. Dangerously nonchalant about school, I worry that I have dug a deep, deep senioritis hole for myself. I don't like going to first, second, fourth, or even sixth period anymore! I enjoy third period because I actually do enjoy doing art; in fifth period, I often fall asleep anyway. Ahh, they could cut not five days, but five weeks (or more) off the school year already! But no. I must not let this get the best of me. I shall maintain my grades (or, in biology's case, improve) and all that good stuff, all the while waiting for the rest of the college notifications to arrive and mentally preparing myself for May 1st, the day I sign for the next four years of my tender, young life.

I walked to the library earlier to pick up a book I had on hold: The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I forget who recommended this to me a few years ago, but I saw a few days ago that somebody had listed this as his favorite book on his Facebook profile, so I decided to finally read it. I shall start reading tonight. Hopefully. Actually, I have been craving reading for a week now, and I hadn't felt this way in such a long time, I must admit.

Last week, my mother persistently asked me if I wanted to go to New York to see what it's like in case I am accepted to a college there or around there and in case I do decide to attend it. I think it's more of a reverse psychology tactic in that she hopes that upon arrival, I will immediately hate the polarly contrasting weather, then begin to find other unpleasant or even unlikable features of the northeast. Just my theory. I was a bit "eh" about the trip, but then just half an hour ago, she said to never mind it, that I won't be going to college there anyway. She said that last night, too.
Parents are full of contradictions, I tell you. About a decade ago, my father frequently told me that if I got into a prestigious university, he would buy me any one car I want to have. My mother always countered with something along the line of, "Oh, don't talk to her about cars yet!" Yet, all they have been doing since September is insist that I stay in California. Forever must be what they are thinking. Another point of contradiction that I quite recently realized: if I were to attend a prestigious university (assuming that prestigious university denotes a private university more than San Francisco distance from home), I wouldn't need a car, because it would be too far to drive to and from.
Skimping on several details that might make the next few sentences clearer... Recently, I learned something new about myself. Perhaps it isn't so much that I learned it as that I finally embraced the fact: I like to prove wrong other people's misconceptions about me. Take, for instance, these few lines from one of my personal statements:
As a diabetic, I have frequently been told that I lack the physical abilities to endure such athletic events
(speaking about the 2009 LA Marathon). Underestimated and disheartened, I gave up even contemplation of joining any sports team. In September of 2008, however, I finally gave myself the chance I had always deserved but felt too daunted to take. I joined Students Run LA...
And I ran my first marathon. And I will run my second this Sunday. Truthfully speaking, I joined it originally because somebody else wanted to. A very short while thereafter, the above reason came about, and it dominated what I briefly thought was my primary motive. Eventually, though, it became a matter of doing it for myself and nobody else. I'm doing it for my health and my happiness. In a way, running has become a sort of moving haven to me. That is, of course, notwithstanding the moments of utter pain that proliferate my calves after a certain number of miles. Or maybe I should have said "including" in lieu of "notwithstanding". Eh, go figure. But yeah, that is why I am so determined to run. Oh, that in addition to the marathon finisher sweatshirt. I am all for free quality t-shirts, shoes, and sweatshirts.

I cannot wait to read the book.
Speaking of book, I watched the Tyra show after school yesterday and was completely enthralled by 50 Cent's appearance. After watching forty or so minutes of him interact with Tyra, I realized what a cool sense of humor he has. I think I want to purchase his book, The 50th Law. He also has a new (s)cent for men, called--this totally shocked me--"50 Scent". What a cool dude, Curtis James Jackson.

For this week, I need to...
-start and finish journalism stories
-continue teaching juniors what the SAT and ACT are
-make progress on the new art project
-start biology research paper, which I found out only yesterday is due next Friday
-attempt to read at least one out of five chapters of bio
-finish bio corrections
-complete most of the ridiculous lit assignment
and a handful of other tasks, such as SLEEP.

You don’t run against a bloody stop watch, do you hear? A runner runs against himself, against the best that's in him. Not against a dead thing of wheels and pulleys. That's the way to be great, running against yourself. Against all the rotten mess in the world. Against God, if you’re good enough.
-Bill Persons


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