If you are religious,

please pray for me! I might have done something bad to my right calf as I was running earlier. :(

This morning, I woke up with an extremely tired and stubborn left eye, and my left leg didn't want to move. Needless to say, from there on, it was so difficult for me to get up. But I did. Because it was Thursday, and Thursday is my favorite day of the week. When I arrived at school, though, my nose started crying! So I planned to not attend school tomorrow, until third period, when I realized all of a sudden that I "MUST" attend the SRLA pasta lunch tomorrow. I need sleep. I cannot be sleep-deprived for Sunday. I cannot have a dysfunctional leg for Sunday. I must be prepared.

Before I went on my run at 5:50, I was listening to new Frankie J songs. In this case, "new" means 2009. I had never even seen, much less heard, these songs before! Easily, I became obsessed with hunting for all the 2009 songs... then I began going crazy when I couldn't find the full song "Filled with Words". Do you know what this means? It means that I must go to Target and actually BUY his "new" album. That, I am way more than willing to do. I'm here for you, Frankie J!

In lit today, we took a 55-question multiple choice test--an old AP one, I assume it was. The first prose passage appeared in the New York Times in 1993, and it's called "A Brief Version of Time" by Alan Lightman. I actually wanted to read and reread that passage over and over again because it was JUST THAT GOOD. You should look it up and read it, too. I promise it isn't too long and that it will be worthy of your time.

After an hour break between the previous paragraph and now, I feel unfocused. All I want to do it read The Five People You Meet in Heaven, although I probably should also read bio... And at least begin the humongous lit assignment. Oh, goodness gracious. Okay, I'll do lit until ten. Then I'm going to read for pleasure. In other words, NOT BIO.

Such is the cost of immortality. No person is whole. No person is free. Over time, some have determined that the only way to live is to die. In death, a man or a woman is free of the weight of the past. These few souls, with their dear relatives looking on, dive into Lake Constance or hurl themselves from Monte Lema, ending their infinite lives. In this way, the finite has conquered the infinite, millions of autumns have yielded to no autumns, millions of snowfalls have yielded to no snowfalls, millions of admonitions have yielded to none.
-from "A Brief Version of Time"


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