Pet Peeves, Things I Don't Like

-loud noise, music, voices, conversations
-bad grammar
-continual phone ringing
-long lines and traffic jams
-gum smacking
-ignorant shallowness
-incessant profanity
-disappointment and subsequent lectures
-self disappointment
-high volume anything
-horrible driving
-paying for a 12 oz. drink and getting only 11...with ice
-peanut butter (particularly chunky)
-long exams
-groups of people who walk together, taking up the entire width of a walkway
-littering and loitering
-being forced to "donate"
-people not picking up after themselves (refer back to clutter)
-boring, boring books
-and a plethora of other "pets" and "peeves"...

At the moment, I particularly dislike feeling unhappy and not knowing why.
I feel like asdfjkl; and I want that feeling to go away! It might be time to roll into a ball and eat ice cream, 'figuratively' speaking. sigh.

For some reason completely unbeknownst even to my subconscious, I always stress about AP Biology the day before an exam. No matter how much or how little I have done and studied, the anxiety finds a way to SMACK me in the head! Although, I really don't think that bio should be/ is the core of such a feeling today. Agh...

And I still need to read Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart for English... Neither appeals to me at all.

Saturday: SAT II's, hopefully Ichiban and whatnot afterward
Sunday: Chapter 15
next Saturday: Scrimmage...

The next two weekends are going to be such jokes. Like: ha. ha. ha. jokes...
Yeah, not funny at all, huh? That's what I thought.

Remember to vote for and review my photo for Brickfish by November 5th. See previous blog post for link.


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