
Yeah, we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,
Hypocrites. You're all here for the very same reason.

'cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl.
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe... just breathe.

That was the first thing that came to mind when I woke up at 10:21 A.M. (albeit my mother's claim that it was past eleven) today. So now I'm listening to the very wonderful song.
At the moment, I am wearing my glasses because I haven't been doing so often. You're actually supposed to use them every once in a while so you don't become absolutely dependent on contact lenses. Or to simply let your eyes breathe (ha) a little more.

Hmm, I was about to say that it has been winter for a while now, until I realized that winter does not begin until December 21st, which is... wow, exactly one month away. The weather lately has been quite eccentric, but I can't complain about it. It is the way it is, and not even the best meteorologists can change that. Yay.

While I was eating breakfast (porridge) earlier, my mom and I started talking a bit about colleges, specifically UCs. Hmm, I won't disclose the entire conversation here (not that there was anything explicity "private" about it), but I acknowledged not for the first time then how much it must hurt her feelings that I constantly talk about attending college outside of California. I recognize how hard she tries to come up with "excuses" to persuade me to stay in this state, close to home (say, UCLA distance). A year or two ago, I would have claimed that I wanted to go out of state to get away from her nagging and whatnot, but since then, I have matured and learned much more about myself. Quite frankly, I don't want to be so far from her or anyone else in my four-person family. I just... don't want to stay in California, where I will have lived for eighteen and a half years. I have always wanted to go to college far away because I know that ultimately, I will return to Southern California, my homeland, for my career. So why not venture for four to six years while attaining an excellent (hopefully, anyway) education? Not saying, of course, that California does not offer great education. No matter what the circumstance, though, I know that in the end, I must make the decision(s) for myself and nobody else. Sure, I will consider how my decision will affect those who care so much about me, but I absolutely cannot allow that to make me turn my back on what my heart and mind tell me (assuming they tell me the same thing).
But then again, I have been beginning to feel afraid of missing home--Chinatown, Lincoln Heights, Alhambra, Glendale, even Chatsworth. I am afraid of being too far away from everything I have grown up with and everywhere I have grown up in. But then again, considering "everywhere I have grown up in," I should go out of the box and grow at least into my twenties some states away. Agh, I don't know. Like I've said before, though, I only hope that by the time April comes around, I will know for sure what I want and what I don't. Add to that a lot of certainty to my feelings.

It's cold...

Lately, things have been changing. Not necessarily enormously. Well, one "thing" is quite so, but I don't want to discuss that yet, as I do not feel completely comfortable revealing such information even though S, D, and D have already told almost everybody they know.
Disregarding that... I believe that I am progressing in AP Biology. Lately in conversations, I sometimes bring up biology terms (pertaining to the topic, of course), which I personally appreciate because it is an indication that I am actually learning from what I am reading, that I am, once again, internalizing. Yesterday's classification and taxonomy FRQ I feel quite good about; hopefully, I did acceptably on it. Then on Monday we have a plant/animal practical... Ah, AP Biology is such high maintenance.

Remember a few paragraphs ago, when I mentioned that winter is exactly one month away? Well, thinking of that leads me to, also not for the first time, recognize how quickly the time has passed this school year. I mean, teachers have already submitted their ten-week grades for students, and Thanksgiving break is next week, followed by winter break roughly two weeks thereafter. Before any one of us knows it, the first semester of the 2009-2010 school year will be gone. Time, gone forever. And then it's decision time (refer once again to previous paragraphs).
A sort of digression and a back-reference here: To the juniors who are debating whether or not you should take APB, it's really about time management and effort. As long as you actually read (and pay attention to what you are reading, I have learned) and care about passing the tests, you will do, at least to some degree, quite well. And to everybody who tries to avoid Mrs. L by not taking AP English... ha, ha. You're missing out!
Although, I will admit, not proudly, that I have been nodding off in that class almost every day for the past two weeks. Oh, except yesterday. I feel so guilty "sleeping in class", but I really just cannot control it sometimes! :(

One thing I REALLY want to do this weekend or next weekend is watch "New Moon". It looks incredibly exciting! Judging by the trailers I have seen, that is. "Twilight" was mundanely ordinary, but I believe that "New Moon" will be exceedingly better. So maybe one of these days, I will go watch it and enjoy doing so. (Ha, I just noticed that the previous sentence began and terminated with the same word.)
One thing I REALLY need to do this weekend is the UC application. Oh, and prepare papers for recommenders for other schools.
And read The Awakening for English... and study again for bio... Oh, my.
And tomorrow we shall run approximately nine miles at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. For that I feel a bit excited.

Currently, it is a quarter past (not "passed", thank you very much) noon. I suppose I should open up my UC application stuff.

Until next time,
I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life.
-Kanye West
Ironic, since he was trying to promote his own book in saying that.


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