Another craving for Yogurtland

Yes, another craving for Yogurtland. Since the last time I have had it (about a month ago), I have craved for it thrice, yet I have gotten it none (?). I suck at satisfying my cravings. Anybody willing to help me out? :)

Today, I took SAT IIs at Lincoln High School: Chinese with listening, literature, and chemistry (I was seriously contemplating switching to Spanish with listening, haha). The proctor and the people... OH MY POOP, I say! I was one of the last people to arrive in the room, and right after I took my seat, he said, "Oh, you guys can just start filling out the forms so you can have more time later." What kind of a proctor is that? And the ten to twelve other Chinese girls in there just kept chattering and giggling and asking questions like, "What do you put on the line that says dd/mm/yy?" (asdfjkl; What have you been doing in school, dawg?!) After a few minutes of cluelessly reading WRONG instructions from the proctor's booklet, he told us to put the CDs and begin whenever we wanted. Basically, calamity was inevitable, if that wasn't already obvious from the moment I arrived. Everybody began working at different times, and those girls started TALKING TO EACH OTHER and WHISPERING ANSWERS. He knew what was going on and he did not care. Instead, he walked around the room, SHOWING THEM PICTURES OF HIS NEW MOTORCYCLE (I suppose he has recently solved a way past midlife crisis) and talking to them about it. On top of that, he gave us forty minutes to do the entire Chinese test. FORTY minutes; is he freaking crazy? No, that is not a rhetorical question, and yes, he is. He clearly does not know how to read. At 9:35 he said to continue to part 2, although nobody knew if he meant part 2 of the Chinese test or test 2. But it's not like it mattered at all, since he just let everybody work on their own time and go back and whatnot. So I just finished up the first test while the girls just continued chattering. By the time I started literature, they were TALKING. I guess they were doing math, and when I was halfway through, they began to SHARE ANSWERS, and not by whispering, either. They asked each other questions and gave each other answers in Chinese; again, the proctor knew exactly what was going on. He even said, "You know, if one of you gets it wrong, all of you get it wrong." What. The. ASDFJKL; I was so mad! After literature, I went on to chemistry, and the girls were STILL sharing answers... and asking the proctor for answers (as if he would know any; he doesn't even know how to read!). They all finished and left by 11:40, and then it was just C and me left. He said that the test was over and that he had given us ten extra minutes. Yeah, right. So we just stayed there, finishing up. I did so poorly on the chemistry test. So a bit before noon, we finally "finished" (what a joke), and he was all excited. I know for a fact that he hurried everybody just because he wanted to go home to watch the USC football game because I had heard him telling somebody in the hallway while we were all testing. Excuse me, while I was testing. Oh, and before those girls left, I also heard them saying to each other in Cantonese, "Oh, man, we were so lucky to have this guy, or else we wouldn't have done well on the tests!" I hope they get rejection letters from everywhere they apply to. I hope even community colleges won't take them. As for the "certification statement" on page two of every SAT answer sheet? If they didn't do that part, I'll be fine without the rejection letters. DENIED! Ha.
What stupid people, I tell you. Stupid stupid stupid. The irony is that the proctor actually told another lady who came in periodically that "they're good kids". Yeah, if all kids are cheaters! Gawsh. I hate them. I should totally file a complaint to CollegeBoard. Or at least to Lincoln High School and disqualify that dude from making Saturday money.
But seriously, though. Today's testing was complete chaos for me. Those idiots had torn down all walls (rules) and ruined everything for me. Because clearly, unlike them, I actually care. And I actually want to go to college and succeed in life. Not by the same methods as theirs, thank you very much.

After that, I went to 3412 and chilled. Then to Glendale to fill myself with some delicious Japanese food, followed by Burbank because I was obligated to, then to Alhambra for a decadent milk tea with small boba, and finally, back near home for a car wash (not my car and not me!). Oh, and then home, of course. I've been sitting here doing nothing for the past three and a half hours simply because I feel that I deserve to finally relax this week.
Sometimes I believe that I deserve more fun than I actually have. For obvious reasons.

Next Saturday is Deca scrimmage. I suppose I should start preparing (not studying) for that... Gosh darn it. When can I ever not be busy anymore? sigh.

I should also work on my college applications... I feel like applying to somewhere random, like Stoney Point.

By the way, I was angry only about the testing thing. The rest of my day, if you haven't already deciphered it, has been quite fine.

Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven.
-Mary Baker Eddy

P.S.: Tomorrow is our birthday! :)


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