Waiting Around

That's what I've been doing a whole bunch of these days.

Far too much waiting for far too impatient of a person. Even though I'm working on it, I still mind it. It isn't a good feeling to wait around all day for just one thing or just one person to happen or to show up. Just imagine, as I'm sure you all can, how much worse it gets when you realize how idiotic this is, but you continue to do it anyway. What fools we all are to sit and wait for things to happen, for people to show up. We're wasting our lives like this.

It is currently 11:33 P.M. And my mother has just begun to yell at me to go to sleep. Go figure. I'm just repeatedly listening to "Tears from Polaris" from that one Taiwanese drama I watched a few weeks back. Speaking of which, I started "Corner with Love" today, another Taiwanese (I suspect) drama that a few friends suggested.

And now I have to go to bed before my mother goes ballistic. I'll be back tomorrow, the day after, or whenever I get tired of waiting.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, whoever you are.


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