Aches Everywhere!

My throat really hurts, and I don't even know why. I really, really hope I don't get sick. :(

Some of you might already know about my bruise. For those of you who don't, here's the story:
Yesterday, I fell down while going UP two different flights of stairs. The first time, I had almost reached the top when I thought that I was already at the top and didn't lift my leg because I believed that I was on a flat surface. So basically, I missed the step and I tumbled forward. About half a minute later, I hit my hipbone hard against the doorknob on my way to the bathroom. An hour later occurred the second fall. I was going up an uncarpeted flight of stairs this time. Four or five steps up, I suddenly just fell! Something must have really been bothering me, because when I tried to reach for the railing about four inches right behind me, I missed. So I fell some more... And upon trying to get back up, I fell back down again because I didn't have the strength to do so! Meanwhile, I scratched my elbow area against that wall... And, yeah. Now I have an enormous bruise right below my right knee. That, in addition to two scrapes. Seriously, though, this is the biggest bruise I have ever inflicted on myself. Gosh darn it.

It's been quite hot these past few days. I mean, I sweat from just sitting here.
Oh, and today, the day I actually could work out, was the day that the PE "instructor" was absent. Who needs an instructor for PE anyhow?! Goodness gracious.

Just six more days of class, and I shall have an entirely free summer. Yay!
I want to go watch "Harry Potter" soon. I love Harry Potter movies...probably because I've never read any of the books, haha.

This shall be all for tonight.
Please don't let me be sick!


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