Perfect Fifths

I finished Perfect Fifths yesterday, and I love the ending. Considering that that is the final book in the Jessica Darling series, the only book series I have ever and will ever succumb to, I was saddened by the time I got to the last page. Saddened, but pleased. What a book.

Ella Minnow Pea might take a while for me to complete simply because, well, it was assigned. But it shall be done by the weekend, since there's testing tomorrow in homeroom and whatever dumb activity that's planned for Friday.

In the summer, I shall read a lot of Jodi Picoult's books, starting with the two I long ago acquired from Borders. Then I shall build up my Jodi Picoult collection. Heck, I want a collection of all of Sarah Dessen, Megan McCafferty, and Jodi Picoult's books. Maybe I should go to Borders this weekend. Or Hmm.

CST testing is so overratedly pointless. Nobody even really cares about it, seemingly.

Fifteen-week grades were due today, which means that there remain five weeks of class for this school year. Ah, I anticipate summer like a fatigued athlete anticipates Gatorade (yuck!). I will read, work out, run, read, and "study." And be alive and lively. Yay! Then comes senior year... Junioritis has really been taking its toll on me, I tell you.

What is it today? Golly-gee, the month of May is nearing a close already! My, the months fly by quickly.

Oh, right. The LA Marathon is in a mere four or five days. I will straightforwardly declare now that I am not in any way prepared to run 26.2 miles in 90-degree weather. We shall see the outcome of that come next Tuesday.


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