
I don't quite recall the last time I blogged here, but that hardly matters.

Nearly gone is the first week of AP exams. I took my first one today, and I only wish that it was my last one ever. Then again, since it isn't, that only means that I have two chances to redeem myself, if not lower my self-esteem even further. Quite frankly, I don't even know why I bothered with calculus. I mean, come on. I'm going to be an English major; English has absolutely, absolutely NOTHING at all to do with mathematics. The only thing that calculus has done to me for the past eight months is lower my self-esteem and confidence. But, here's where the circumstance halts and reverses. I actually like calculus. I just despise taking tests and quizzes. And exams. Goodness gracious. Internalization is a big problem for me. If only I could apply my super memory for vocabulary words to math formulas and methods and chemistry concepts and problems.

Since I felt so down in the dumps following the completion (yeah, right) of the AP test today, I decided to reject any homework that I may have tonight and just read Perfect Fifths, which I had been waiting so long for but didn't actually acquire a copy of until three weeks after its premiere sales day. But hey, it's all good. Megan McCafferty is a genius.
And now, I am looking forward to Sarah Dessen's next book, Along for the Ride, to come out in June. asdfjkl; I am so excited. I might actually get to read this summer!

So little time, so much to do.
I don't know if you've ever watched it, but there used to be a show called "So Little Time" with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. It was on for only a short duration, but it was a good show. My sister and I used to watch it every day after school. We admired the Olsen sisters and read books about them back then. Not so much now. Who even knows what they're up to nowadays?

Ah, I want to sleep. And I want to read. And nothing else. Nope, nothing at all. After next Friday, I'll let myself slip fully into junioritis. It's so sad that whenever I think I'm almost done with high school, the realization that I'm still a junior dawns on me. That I cannot emphasize enough. Can't I just leave high school already? Take a year off or something? If anything, I'll go to ELAC. Geez.
As I was saying, though, after next...actually, not Friday, but Wednesday, I shall indulge myself in books of my own choosing and in movies of my interests. I shall revel in the simplest luxury by ignoring everything, and I shall relax until whatever plans summer has to bring me.
Ha, yeah, right. Mrs. J and Mrs. L will probably have a whole bunch of "supplemental" stuff for us to learn.

But really, I'm exhausted. I need a break.
We all are. And we all do.

I wish to watch "CSI: NY" before I go to sleep tonight.
Now that I think about it, I haven't watched television since that half hour of "CSI: NY" on Sunday (I missed the first half because I forgot it was on).

And now, I'm going to continue reading before my parents summon me for dinner, which I don't want but will have anyway.

I don't want to waste my time
So just show me who you are,
And just tell me what you want
Don't play any games with me
'cause those are so elementary
Be a man, gather the guts
Any more waiting, and I'll combust
Don't waste my time
Because I don't have enough



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