The Day Before

Tis the day preceding the 26.2-mile Los Angeles Marathon.
Excitement, anxiety; anticipation, nervousness; enthusiasm, dread. In short, I can't wait! I really believe that I can do this. Am I ready for the marathon? Heck, the marathon'd better be ready for me! All 26.2 miles of it.

Okay, I just finished lunch, and it was good. Now I'm just waiting for the inevitable stomachache that will hopefully arrive sometime before tomorrow morning. Let's see. Today, I shall finish up calc homework (who knows if I'm even going to school Tuesday?), go to the marathon expo at the Convention Center (again because I didn't have money yesterday, haha), and rest. Tomorrow, I shall wake up at...4:20 A.M. and walk to the Miguel Contreras Learning Center on Third Street to take a darn group picture at 5:20 then to run two hours later. Goodness gracious. I haven't woken up so early for anything since...well, EVER! Anyway, then I shall embark on the longest, most challenging journey of my life. Or something like that. At this point, I'm just hoping to not be among the very last to finish. And to still be alive after the finish line. Haha.
What a Memorial Day weekend.

Yesterday, I missed out on dollar flip-flops at Old Navy.
Tomorrow, I'm going to miss out on 40% any book at Borders.
Darn it.

American Idol: Kris Allen won! Well, I'll admit that I hadn't watched it at all. In fact, I missed the first half of the season finale. But hey, I watched enough to learn that Kris Allen, clearly the better artist, had won the title for the year. Yay! So, yeah, I've been listening to the studio version of "No Boundaries" quite frequently for the past few days. Just like when I listened to the studio version of "Time of My Life" over and over again when David Cook won last year.

So, I think that I shall start calc homework in about ten minutes (11:45). Then go to the expo around one o' clock. I wonder if I can exchange my t-shirt from yesterday... Huh.

People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy.
-Bob Hope

I definitely want to show how beautiful the marathon can be. I am the opponent of all those who find the marathon bad: the psychologists, the physiologists, the doubters. I make the marathon beatiful for myself and for others. That's why I'm here.

-Uta Pippig

Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.
-Steve Prefontaine


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