
isn't a word. It's "disorganized." A girl in English class (it's actually 11 girls and only 2 guys anyway) said today, "I'm so unorganized." And so wrong!

Currently 3:34 P.M. and eating a pear after having eaten dumplings: what a myriad of calories. Other than that, I spent about half an hour after I got home watching "General Hospital" on Youtube. Here I thought I was watching today's episode, and it wasn't until the end of the fifth clip out of six or seven that I realized I was watching the 2/4 episode of freaking 2008. So I just stopped and decided to go with this because I don't really need to study for tomorrow.

I mean, the history test will be long, but whatever because that isn't even a class! It's more like social hour (okay, 55 minutes), perhaps even happy hour, because in what other class can students be as frivolous as they can be in that room? It's even isolated from other classrooms! Gee-whiz. Not that I'm complaining. As for the other final, Spanish is such a joke. I have a mental list of teachers who I moderately to strongly believe should get fired, but that list shall remain unwritten. But yeah, Spanish is pretty much another period three, only a lot more irritating because she actually goes and wastes our time by talking about her (very) personal matters. And what is up with her total subjectivity in grading, anyway? She gave extra participation points to people who donated blood or did whatever else. Um, yeah, this is Spanish, dude, not Philanthropy. Gee-whiz.

I'm kind of too full now, darn it. Oh, well, at least I'm going to go run in about half an hour! Yay! Speaking of which, the Firecracker Run is this Sunday here in Chinatown. What an invigoration it shall be to run SIX MILES around a place with which the majority of our runners are already so familiar. Those six miles will be very boring, I assume.

One and then four? Who in their very wrong and demented minds changed the finals schedule from four and one to one and four, huh? It was nonsensical to begin with, and now it's just outrageous! I tell you, all this so-called change (no allusion to Obama intended) does students no good. Instability serves us no good, they don't realize. Gosh.
It seems that one of my comrades and I took two AP exams today, both three months early! But oh, well. The chemistry final was almost exactly what Mr. W had told us it would be. Too bad I still didn't ace it the way I should have after so many hours of studying and so many hours of hard work. But really, though, I think that I deserve an A in that class, because I earnestly tried hard. Heck, I'm trying so hard in every class (except history and Spanish) this year, more so than I ever have, perhaps surprisingly. And then the English final. I couldn't elongate my essay because, well, I just didn't really feel like spending so much time on it when I felt that I could do well on the multiple choice too, with enough time. I'll spare all the details and "cotton candy" (lol). According to the national standards of that particular exam, I passed with a three, only twelve or thirteen points away from the four, dagnabbit. But yeah, what I realized after that was that multiple choice critical reading isn't that difficult as long as you know what to look for and how to distinguish the better answers from the not as suitable (remember that you're only choosing the best answer). Man, I want to write an AP English Language and Composition exam preparation book now! Just kidding. Yuck. ...Kind of.

I wonder when my sister will wake up so we can go run already, darn it.
Okay, I'll give her twenty minutes while I go play a bit of piano.

The rest of my day, in case you want to read about it however many days after this has been posted and done, looks like this:
-piano for about twenty
-take five to ten minutes to get ready to run
-run for at least half an hour
-call a lazy somebody who always wants to sleep
-eat (again)
-study calculus (currently at 80.7% and must B the final in order to keep a B)
-do whatever, blue, read, talk
-waste a bit of time

Then again, schedules suck and plans change. Particularly for me.

Have a nice day, whomever you may be. And remember: take it easy, walk with poise, talk with dignity, and live with vibrance.

Here's a tip:

-from The New Yorker


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