
I just got back from the televised Deca Super Quiz competition at UCLA, and I must say that I am quite disappointed...and surprised. I mean, I got booted off the team for this?! Well, not particularly, but still. Among the highest scoring schools was Palisades, which isn't surprising, since they pretty much dominated at the awards ceremony last year. Eh, whatever, it's forgivable because this year's topic isn't all that easy to begin with. I mean, evolutionary biology just is not something that people pick up and comprehend right away, unlike the Civil War. They are matters of comprehension and memorization, respectively.

And now I'm famished. Why do I keep feeling so utterly hungry today?!
After dinner, I shall tell you about my strangely fabulous day. Or maybe I say it's fabulous just because it's cold. I love the cold. Weather, I mean, not the sickness, darn it. Okay, be back soon!

Here I am again, after nearly two hours. No, I have not been eating the entire time. Goodness, who can do that anyway? That's just disgusting. Anyway, I started watching a Chinese drama called "A Herbalist Affair." Ten discs of two episodes each... This should suck up some of my time until Tuesday. Oh, man, I almost forgot how to spell that last word in that last sentence. But yeah, it's quite a funny show, and I adore funny shows. Funny equals happy, happy equals yay! So, yay! :)

How wonderful! Apparently, somebody back from middle school was at the competition! He was right in the crowd behind us...yelling so loudly that J and I kept looking back at them. Yet we neglected to see him! Oh, my! Well, I know this now because he IMed me a while ago and now we're basically catching up. What a small, wonderful world this is.

Oh, my. I am concentrating too much on the DVD and on chatting. You know, I haven't chatted to this many people at one in a while. Okay, maybe yesterday, too. But other than that, it's quite refreshing. Ow, I'm hungry, dagnabbit.

Why am I so hungry today?! I should... Gee, I paused to reply to people and now I've forgotten what I was going to say. Oh, well.

Right, I have to tell you about my fabulous day. So I started by waking up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 A.M. What the heck is up with that? And on a Saturday morning, nonetheless! Goodness gracious. We left home at 7:35 and got to CSULA around 7:45, then my mom and I cluelessly walked around the campus looking for Martin Luther King Hall. I had gone into the Student Union building to ask its whereabouts, and when I finally found it, well, I just walked the four flights of stairs up to the room, signed in, and sat at my seat. The test... Gosh, was it insultingly simple. The format for writing is so queer, but whatever. Writing's writing. Then math... What is this?! A middle school assessment or something? Gee whiz. Although, I kind of purposely worked slowly in the beginning and then had about six questions left blank in the end, all of which I filled in with "C" later on, haha. The reading was WOW easy. Seriously, all the answers were RIGHT THERE in the passage. Goodness gracious. On the other hand, despite the simplicity of the science section, it was so wrongly long. I mean, really? How do they expect students to read, interpret, and analyze all that data and answer so many questions within a 35 minute time frame? So I just did the first part of ten questions, skipped to the fourth and fifth parts, then skimmed over the sixth. And ended up filling in "D" for all the ones I skipped in the middle. Ha. Hmm, then the essay wasn't that bad either. Although I felt like I just couldn't write today, for some odd reason. Probably because I was so darn sleepy! I kept yawning throughout the entire test! We all finished surprisingly early, though, by 12:05. And I actually got home within 30 minutes of finish time today!

So I came home, ate, watched television, and waited until it was finally time to go to to UCLA for Deca. And now I'm hungry again. What the weird.

Ah, so it's now seven minutes until ten. I am going to continue watching this very cool drama, then I shall sleep a bit earlier because the 10K Firecracker run is tomorrow. Running in the rain... In Chinatown, too! Ugh. We'll see how that turns out. D keeps trying to get me to believe in all the so called myths of Elysian Park. As if!



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