Apple Cinnamon

Apple cinnamon is good, but I still prefer blueberry. Blueberry flavored foods (e.g. waffles, muffins) are scrumptious.

I'm stuck with writing songs just to forget
I remember listening to this particular song over and over once upon a while sometime last year. I just thought I'd listen to it now, since it was visible on my playlist.

Today is February 1st. I was so shocked upon realizing so this morning because I hadn't even realized that yesterday was January 31st! So here is to a late goodbye to January 2009: Adieu! And a warm (literally) hello to February, the shortest month of the year. It just occurred to me that maybe February is so short because people want to forget the horrors of Valentine's Day and all its terrible superficiality and move on to March already. Ha. On a different note, this should be a heck of a way to start the month, what with it being Super Bowl Sunday and all. But who cares? It's just football! Then again, I suppose that that isn't fair to say because, well, people have their opinions and all that not so good stuff.

Is it not normal that I don't know what sloppy joe is? Oh, I just learned that it's "ground beef with this sauce, cheese, and buns." Beef is bad enough, but ground beef? Eww! Sorry, I just don't like beef, and no, not liking beef isn't abnormal, okay?

I've eaten so much today without having worked off any calories. I mean, I doubt that sitting for thirty minutes at a time and then getting up to go to another room requires very much work. Yeah, so I was trying to watch the Super Bowl earlier, from the start of the game, because Mrs. L told us to watch for the commercials so we can discuss how companies appeal to their audiences differently during such a tight commercial schedule and whatnot tomorrow. I was sort of bored, and before I knew it, I had (accidentally) fallen asleep right after the end of the first quarter. It was just sooo boring! And that's what I am going to tell the class during discussion tomorrow--that I had unintentionally fallen asleep to understandable boredom and disinterest. Of course, I woke up and by then, it was still the second quarter, darn it. But I've been intermittently switching between channels. I mean, CSI is on! I guess CSI is now on on Sundays instead of Saturdays like it was before.

"CSI" is so cool, darn it.

This week is going to suck. Why must we have final examinations, anyway? Goodness gracious. America's education system sucks. We should all take a year-long trip to Korea or something and experience the half day long school day, six days a week. Now that's schooling.

Anyhow, I must go do some chemistry now, before I really start feeling like a failure.
Finals schedule (mine, anyway):
Day one--English and Chemistry
Day two--yeah, right (history and Spanish)
Day three--Calculus (!) and journalism (yay)
When it's right, it's right.


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