Last One

No, this isn't my last entry here. Apparently, my last entry was on the seventh, which was about two weeks ago? Yes, nearly two weeks ago. How the time flies (why do I get the feeling I spelled that last word incorrectly?).

Currently 5:38 P.M. and I am half-watching the Lakers vs. Heat game on channel nine (finally, a channel accessible to me) and half wondering what I will do for the rest of the night considering that my sister isn't home and my mother will be accompanying her and her little friends around eight. Subsequently, I will have two hours to myself. Yay, time.
Oh, and I am only "half-watching" because I rarely ever get excited or enthused until the second half. and it's a tie. This reminds me that I have not touched a basketball in a long while. Or any ball, at that... Pertaining to sports, duh.

Until about ten minutes ago, Luke Walton played for...a few minutes, seemingly. I realize now that he does not possess very good basketball skills/ characteristics compared to, say, JORDAN FARMAR! Needless to say, he stands far from where Kobe's throne sits.
I just saw a commercial for "Seven Pounds." I love Will Smith's movies. Seriously, Will Smith ranks as one of my favorite, if not the absolute favorite, actors. Dagnabbit. One day, I want to have a collection of all of the movies in which he has played a role. (No, it isn't obsession.)

Speaking of obsession, I have not heard any new songs from Frankie J lately. Or for the past year or so. What is up with that? I miss Frankie J. Or, his new songs (or lack thereof, in this case) anyway.

Today was the last school day of the year. You'd think I'd be a little more enthused about it; for some reason, I just am not (I was about to say "aren't"). The school day was quite mundane. Basically, we did nothing the entire day. Or, well, for me, anyway. For chemistry, we turned in experiment 12, on which I worked very hard, thank you, only to get it back by the end of the period: everybody got a ten because, well, that was Mr. W's holiday gift to us, he said. Man, I could have just "bs'ed" everything like other people do! But I can't, because I suck at "bs'ing". It just ain't my sort of thing, sorry. Anyway, then in homeroom I got a first glance at the yearbook sweaters, and, well...I don't like it. But whatever, it's not like I'm wearing it. Second period, we had a make-up quiz (no, not cosmetics) on volumes. We actually had the quiz on Wednesday and got it back yesterday. But neither Mrs. J nor many of the students was happy with the scores, so she decided to bless us with the grace of a make-up quiz, on which I think I did very well. I B'ed the one on Wednesday, which, I must admit, is a very big accomplishment (so by that you can infer my progress, or lack thereof, in the class). Most of everybody planned to retake it, and most of everybody had expected today's quiz to be much more difficult. Surprise, surprise! It was even simpler than the one on Wednesday. About halfway through number two (there were three problems), I thought to myself, "This is kind of too simple... Am I doing this correctly?" I finished up the problem, still suspicious and skeptical. After I finished number three, I really doubted the seeming simplicity of the whole thing, but I guess I did it correctly, because a few people had the same answers I did, which I hope is a good thing. Later in history class, needless to say, we did nothing. Everybody just chatted while I listened to music and put my "creativity" to work. It was an earnest attempt, anyway. I sat here for about ten seconds, wondering what my fourth period is. Haha. Well, not much, I won't even bother talking about English class. Or Spanish, for that matter. Or journalism. But I will point out that we actually were given free time in sixth period today--sixteen whole minutes! K and I went to attain our math club t-shirts for $9 each (which reminds me that I owe her $9 because I had only $8). The shirt makes a lot more sense than did the one from last year, although the color of the latter appeals more than does that of the former, but whatever. I suppose that I would rather have a shirt that makes sense rather than one that has a better color. In this case, anyway. Then, blah blah blah with the next few hours until now. It's now 6:03, by the way.

I just realized that my mother changed the channel to some show that she likes to watch.. Then again, what show doesn't she like to watch? Gee whiz. On the other hand, I am sort of chatting on AIM with one of my cousins, the one who I never thought would have such a life. "Such a life" referring to doing nothing with her free time but going online and having boringly meaningless so-called conversations with people about whom she does not care very much (yes, I would know). But hey, it's her life, and apparently, she has chosen me to be involved in it! How flattered I feel.
Too bad I barely comprehend her broken messages.

Christmas is less than one week away! You know what this means? Because I don't. So why is it that December is the only month of the year everybody gets to be jovial anyway? Why does only December receive worldwide attention of joy and generosity? I think that we all ought to be as generous as people generally are in December all year round. Essentially, it's the same principle as Thanksgiving. I mean, why is it that for such important matters (e.g. family, togetherness, kindness, charity), we celebrate only once a year? It simply irks me from time to time. "Holiday season"? Really? It ought to be holiday season all four seasons. And to call it a season is completely illegitimate anyway, since a season technically lasts three months, and in this shallowly inaccurate case, it lasts only a month. What the wrong? This has become such an impersonal "season" that I realized a few days ago that this is why I prefer birthdays in lieu of "Christmas." So, I'd rather be celebrating my birthday than Christmas next week. Not to be self-centered or anything, you know? But don't get me wrong; I love Christmas for all its color. :)

This basketball game sucks. I missed the second quarter and over half of the third quarter, and now I'm just not happy with Derek Fisher, my favorite player next to Jordan Farmar. The Fish, as the announcer people call him, has missed so many shots! Heck, even Lamar just missed a free throw. And another one! What is wrong with them tonight?! Geez. They are down by seven with 2:17 on the clock. Shall we have faith?

I don't really feel like doing this anymore for now. Yes, Ariza! He just finally made a three-pointer. Thank you, Trevor! Okay, yeah, I will write more later if I happen to feel like it.

Until whenever "later" may be, have a nice day.


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