Autumn Tunnels

Nearly a month has passed since I last did this. Well, actually, it's probably been more like two weeks or so. I would not know, considering that I myself haven't looked at the calendar in weeks upon weeks. How do I survive that, you ask? I don't know, actually, but I know that I have my ways.

Anyway, today was just plain...
Allow me to divulge my day with you (whomever you may be). I woke up at 4:36 A.M., a time completely unconstitutional at which to wake up for a teenager who is regularly deprived of sleep. I mean, what kind of a psychotic freak wakes up at such a ridiculous time on a Sunday? To go run 13.1 miles, no less! Apparently, 3200 students today did. Fascinating, eh? Too bad I'm claustrophobic. Actually, no, that did not even cross my mind today. Not once, surprisingly, but I don't think that that is a bad thing, so I won't complain. To start off with, the students met at the bus stop at 5:25 and we departed approximately ten or fifteen minutes later. I got so very excited when I saw that there were absolutely no restroom lines, so I went and used one (yes, one of the portapotties, whatever however it's spelled). What wimps; it wasn't even that dark! Okay, I will admit that I was wimpy to begin with too, but later I realized that it really wasn't that bad. But whatever. I'll just skip all the minuscule details, although I did say that I would be divulgent (if that is even a valid is in my book) about it. Whatever, dude, I don't have that kind of time. So, I ran for nearly seven miles nonstop! Go figure. From LA Zoo to City Hall, an entire half marathon, and I'm not even sore (yet). Running on dirt road is so much more...efficient, if I may, than running on cement. I despise those bumpy, pebbly roads; they're so annoying to run on! And, around the halfway mark, my feet started hurting! Stupid shoes. I want to go and buy ones on my own and know that they actually fit well instead of assuming the "right" size for me. Agh, whatever. Hmm. The seventh mile...thereafter, I basically walked/ ran because even though I wasn't tired, my legs were. The run was cool, though, in that we actually were familiar with the path, unlike usual. That's probably why it seemed less than it really was. Another half marathon in January! I cannot wait.
I had Japanese food for the first time in a long time today. Actually, it was just noodles, but whatever, it was at a Japanese restaurant that I've always seen but never minded to go to. And today I finally went. Go figure.

Stupid inconsiderate jerks these days, I tell you. Seriously. Tell me, why do people take such pleasure in hurting others' emotions? Not only that, but also playing with them? Can they not ever consider even the least bit how others would feel according to their actions? And if you "swear" one thing, why do you have to go and totally and hypocritically contradict that promise? That only goes to show that promises mean nothing these days. Like I've probably mentioned here somewhere before, promises are made to be broken. Of course, I'm only generalizing here. Nonetheless, I suppose that life is a game, and some of us are just...rookies, while others are...not. And the rookies are the ones that get abused and degraded. And, ultimately, hurt.
On a different note... Define for me the definition of a "best friend." Difficult, eh? Yeah, I haven't considered any best friend since my traumatic, shattering experience from second grade (I'll spare you the details). But let us not speak of that. My point is, why must friends and even "best friends" lie to each other? The truth shall set you free, and lies will lock you in. Lies do no good whatsoever. Like I have said before, and I will again enunciate this:...darn, I forgot what I was going to say! sigh. Forget it. I can't do this anymore.

On another different note, I want to sleep "early" tonight. By 10:30, hopefully. What will I do until then? Not watch television, that's for sure. There's never anything good on on Sundays, darn it. I'll probably highlight some things to make my English binder look full and then read a bit for English. You know, Mrs. L's class really isn't bad at all. Stupid people, why must they complain so much about a strong AP class that gives...not even that much homework? Essays are perfectly acceptable, fools. Don't whine about 'em. Write 'em!

Do you know how comforting it feels to have your homework finished days before it is due? Ah, I must tell you, it feels very relaxing. That feeling is so...nice. And come time when every other idiot is rushing to get it done, you're actually looking for things to do!
And somebody I was talking to earlier said that I was lucky because I was only blogging and chatting at the moment. No, it isn't luck. It's called getting ahead, fools! Just kidding, but seriously. Contradictory? I try.

I am totally boring myself here. Sorry if I wasted your time. I guess I didn't have as much 'juicy' stuff to write about as I thought. Ah, oh well.

All charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others.
-Cyril Connolly

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note--torn in two, and burned up, so that it can never be shown against one.
-Henry Ward Beecher


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