In Jeopardy

Oh, my, this Jim Stevens dude has won $140,600 over a six-day period on "Jeopardy"... And he's only a math teacher! I suppose that one shouldn't underestimate math teachers anymore. Not this one, anyway.
I wonder what Larissa Kelly did with all her winnings. I love consistencies such as these. It is actually quite calming to know that despite everything else, some things just don't change. Not that change isn't good. I am totally open to it.
What kinds of categories are these, anyway? Goodness.

The weather has again succeeded to elucidate to us its craziness. I mean, what else would you call an entire week of gloomy rainfall followed by several days of extreme coldness, and then by a few days of spring warmth? Geez. I don't mind yesterday and today's weather, though, due to its convenience. By that, I mean that I can go run anytime I want (or not). While my sister and I were running earlier, I asked her how many days in a row we have run, and she said three. We no longer run around the Alpine block because of those stupid sidewalk blockers. Oh, well, I cannot say that I mind very much, since I began hating that block a while ago anyway (simply because it became a monotony to run around the same perimeter all the time). Hmm, the next run is about two weeks away from today. I just glanced at the calendar in front of me and noticed that two weeks actually turns out to be a week and a half. Irvine, what a concept.

Ah, Kobe Bryant was just the answer to a Jeopardy clue. Where does Kobe not come up?

I neglected to mention that my sister and I almost got hit THREE times earlier! Stupid drivers. The first time, we were just walking, and I saw a van that was about to back out of a parking space, but it hadn't begun doing so yet, so I just kept walking. Then, just as I walked by it, it started moving! Oh, my gay! My sister yelled out and pulled me away, and I don't think the driver really stopped! That stupid fidiot, man. Then, on another block, while we were walking again, one car was about to back out, but right behind it was another car pulling out of a parking space on the street, and they nearly collided, those stupids. And the former car just about hit us again, darn the dumb driver. Finally, as we were crossing the street at a four-way stop sign whatever you call it, the car to our left just came straight at us! I mean, we were in plain freaking view, and the nincompoop of an idiot charged at us. When we reached the sidewalk, I just yelled out, "Stupid drivers!" Cereally, man. There needs to be more enforcement around this dangerous place which contains some of the most cluelessly poopy drivers.

Ah, Mr. Jim Stevens had better win this. Oh, wait, he's behind by over eight thousand dollars. I officially dislike the dude in the middle. Evidently by the name of Scott.

Progress on homework has been excruciatingly slow lately. My plan to finish chemistry by yesterday completely failed. Hence it is needless to say that I have yet to do any other homework. With the exception of journalism, for which I have done two of three required current events. I need to pick up the pace!

Oh, no. Jim trails Scott by about three thousand, and the final round category is "political rock and roll". One can only wonder what that may mean.
Or perhaps I'm just politically deprived and clueless.

My sister asked me about Boston University today. Whenever I hear that, the first thing that comes to mind is its location, and in my mind, it's somewhere in the midwest. Which, after a few moments of thinking, I always realize is inaccurate. It's in Massachusetts! I told her that I've heard about what a good school it is, but that I don't know what it's good for, haha. I really should begin looking at colleges. I probably should worry more than I am right now, which I must admit isn't much at all. What's wrong with me, anyway?

Albeit all my evident obsession over David Cook and David Archuleta, whenever I hear Syesha Mercado's songs nowadays, I contemplate and claim that she should have won the competition. I think that people were just too into the competition between the two Davids--a bartender and a student. What a concept that must have been to revere. But anyway, Syesha is really good.

Oh, my goodness. No!! Stupid Scott won! Ugh. So much for consistency. But oh, well, you can't get it every time.

Last week, at a store in Americana (I'm not sure whether or not an article should precede the name, but whatever), I saw the grooviest necklace ever. I may or may not have already written about this, but it's worth several seconds of (re)typing. It was a necklace with a screwdriver as the charm thing, and the "title" of it was "Screw It". I read the description that came along with it and laughed out loud and excitedly showed it to my cousin, sister, and the latter's "bil". It was hilarious, and if I was one to freely spend, I would have purchased it.

Now listening to (not particularly watching) "Wheel of Fortune". I find it creepy whenever Pat asks a woman about her marriage. Usually I just say aloud, "Stop, she's taken!" As if that's of any use. As if yelling at the television showing a basketball game is any use, haha.

Hmm, I think I will go continue with chemistry now. I hate doing that stupid assignment, but it's worth twenty points! How ridiculous is that, anyway? Goodness gracious. The letters A through E have a thing against me, I tell you. Multiple choice, my gay. Well, sometimes it's okay, though. But que-ever.

If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.
-Jimmy Buffett


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