On Love, Paradox

Yesterday, one of my friends sent me a cover of this song and pointed out what a messy situation it is to not be able to live with or without somebody. I agreed wholeheartedly, but countered that perhaps this song captures exactly the complications of love.

You can't live with or without him/ her. Whether you're with or without him, he drives you crazy. His little habits--from never washing hands to farting all the time, from staring at you funny to texting during a conversation--annoy you to the utmost. At the same time, when he doesn't call for hours, when he hasn't been home the entire day, when you haven't seen him in however long, your entire day is thrown off balance. While there certainly are things you hate about him, you can't help but love him, even if you know he may not be the best thing for you, and vice versa.

My friend asked, then, what one would do in this "can't live with or without you" situation. Without hesitation, I said,
"Have a plethora of internal debates. Ask for an abundance of outside advice but not heed any of it because you think that no one else understands the 'with or without you' feeling. Yet you continue to seek comfort and solace in the uncertainty of 'with or without'. And you can pretend all you want that (insert name here) doesn't matter anymore, all the while knowing that if (insert name here) didn't matter anymore, this song's lyrics wouldn't mean so much to you, and you wouldn't have those internal debates and seek advice."
Realistically, though, even if you've given yourself away--in whatever context is applicable to your situation--there is more to you to give to the next person you romantically encounter. That person will, ideally, give himself to you and allow you to reconstruct parts of yourself you thought you had lost (by giving away) previously. So while "with or without" is a cycle of uncertainty that seems to capture the difficulties and paradox of love, it  isn't necessarily a terrible position to be in. It allows you time to mull over the situation, and as I have always told my friends and they me, time heals. Perhaps with this time of waiting "with or without you," you will find the certainty you seek.

But then again, on what grounds do I have to state any of this authoritatively? I may be 20 years old, but I cannot say I know all there is to know about love. Alternatively said, I am 20 years old, and I know next to nothing about love. In any case, on what grounds does anybody have to state anything about love?
To avoid ending this post on a negative, refuting-everything-I-have-just-written cliffhanger, my answer is: experience. And though experiences may differ, emotions resonate from one person to another. So sure, I may not know what you've been through, but chances are, I do understand how you feel. And you, I.


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