
I just spent nearly two hours playing Draw My Thing on OMGPop. Of course, I should have been doing homework that I neglected the first six weeks of this quarter. But of course, I did not do what I should have. Oh, me, oh my.

This weekend, I have been continually going back and forth between San Gabriel and home. Everything is blurring together--I keep passing by the same places over and over again, going to and from. It's quite confusing, and I don't quite like it. But alas, I am going to continue this routine tomorrow... I can't help it! While it definitely feels stupid to go back and forth the same area for days, it's also most convenient in terms of where to pick up/ drop off particular persons. It's driving me crazy as both a driver and a passenger. I hope there will be no more of this nonsense after tomorrow.
Not to say that I haven't had a good, relaxing weekend. Actually, driving has been stressing me out a lot, and the sameness of the past few days' destinations hasn't been helping. Anyway. On Friday night, Ito Le Arbre for lavender milk tea. Saturday, I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and Bird Pick Tea & Herb in Pasadena for lunch, then to Westfield Santa Anita for an extremely long and tiring (mostly window) shopping trip, and finally to Muse Tea House (recently opened) in San Gabriel for more boba. Today, I went to In N Out for lunch (even though I had it last week, too), then to Muse again for tea, of which I had only a few sips because the flavor gave me a headache, and at last to Le Arbre again, but this time for shaved ice.
In other words, I ate and drank (unfortunately, not alcoholically) rather excessively this weekend. And it hasn't even ended yet (again, not that I'm complaining)! Tomorrow, I'm having dim sum with family in the morning, and dessert with friends in the middle of the afternoon. Considering my eating habits from the past few days, I'll probably find time/ appetite to sneak in another "snack" between dim sum and afternoon snack. But you know what... It's okay! Tuesday is my work-out-for-however-long-I-want day. And Wednesday is yoga and running-the-perimeter day. And I don't eat much at school during the week.
Yes, I'm just finding ways to justify my eating excessively and unhealthily. It's disgusting, I know. Okay, I'll stop! :(
...but FOOD IS SO GOOD. And I love Yelp so much.

Seriously. I spend my class time looking for good restaurants and hiking trails on Yelp. That is what I use my smartphone for--Yelp. Of course, I occasionally go on Facebook and Twitter and check my email. But I just feel so productive and even victorious whenever I bookmark something on Yelp. I think I'm obsessed. And since I have the Yelp app, I have been further enabled to use it! I can check in and write quick tips and look for other places while already sitting in another place. It's amazing. I love Yelp, I really do.
I think I'll write a few reviews before I sleep (even though it's past 3 a.m. and I have to get up at 8 to do laundry and go to dim sum tomorrow).

There have been so many things I have wanted to write about in the past two weeks, but of course, with the passing of so much time, I have forgotten many of the topics. I hope to write tomorrow or some time again this week. And if I don't, I REALLY hope it'll be because I'm busy writing my papers for class, which I really should have been doing all day today.



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