Being Sick

I absolutely detest being sick. Who doesn't? When I first get sick, I feel so vulnerable--physically as well as emotionally. And I hate feeling vulnerable and susceptible. It makes me feel... weak and dependent.

But I suppose that with my dearest mother, it's okay to feel dependent. Even at 20 years old, I'm still my mother's baby, apparently. Last night, as I was going to bed, my mom offered to sleep next to me in case I needed her in the middle of the night:
Mom: Want me to sleep next to you?
me: (adamantly) No!
Mom: (shockingly) Why not?! (sincerely) You're still my baby!
me: No, it's because I don't want you to get sick, too...
Mom: Ah, it's okay...

That touched my heart, right before I fell asleep. And earlier, as I was getting ready to leave home to return to school, she kept asking what soup I wanted (I had originally gone home because I had asked her to make soup for me) to bring to school, and I asked her why she kept asking me even though I consumed so much. She exclaimed, "Because you aren't feeling well!" Golly gee, I love being my mother's daughter. She's the one thing that makes me feel the least bit okay about being sick.

I caught this cough/ cold over the weekend and woke up feeling absolutely horrible yesterday. After class, I skipped yoga and went home after lunch. You know it's a big deal when I skip yoga, the highlight of my Mondays and Wednesdays! I got home, and my mom was already making porridge and soup (the only things I'll eat when I feel that unwell). I don't even really remember what I did... I brought home two books and my notebook for English, hoping to catch up via Podcast, but I neither read nor reviewed. I ended up sleeping a lot. This morning, I woke up at 8:30 to go see my doctor. Although I was feeling considerably better after having drank an incredibly repugnant herbal medicine the night before, I drove out to Chinatown anyway. The doctor prescribed me cough suppressant, decongestant, and antibiotics (for my throat infection). By the time I got home, I reasoned that I probably wouldn't be able to make it to my only class for the day in time, so I just decided to stay home, take my medicine, and go to sleep. And that I did! While I would like to commend the decongestant for its drowsiness factor, I actually think that I fell asleep to the boring factor of  "Days of Our Lives."

I must say, I am extremely disappointed in "Days of Our Lives" now. I used to love it, but it simply isn't as good anymore. The acting quality has decreased, and the plot has become way too unrealistic. Sigh.
Speaking of shows, I started season 8 of "One Tree Hill" over the weekend... I hope I'll be able to find the entire season 9 somewhere else online afterward.
"Vampire Diaries" and "Gossip Girl" have been boring me, as well. Sigh. Have my expectations subconsciously risen, or are they really just not that great anymore? I also need to find season 3 of "White Collar!"

To come full circle... "Vulnerable"--


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