Musical Nostalgia

Today, I spent a considerable amount of (free) time listening to RnB songs on YouTube and stumbled upon my former love, Frankie J. I added several songs of his that I had never heard to my playlist, and I just spent more time listening to mellow music. My love for Frankie J.'s music began in sixth or seventh grade, a bit before the release of "Obsession", which I was, of course, obsessed about. I listened to his songs again and again, and no matter how many times I listened to whichever album (I actually bought two of them, but lost both the CDs), my favorite songs were always "Don't Wanna Try" and "How to Deal". They still are today! I really wish I hadn't lost both of the CDs, though. :(
Anyway, I also listened to Mike Posner and Trey Songz. Somebody commented on one of Trey Songz's songs something along the lines of, "We should take a census at the end of the year to see how many babies were conceived to Trey Songz's songs." Needless to say, that cracked me up!

After an hour or two of that, I finally began seriously reading for English. Today was the first time in a long time that I actually started reading the assignment BEFORE the lecture on it. Actually, I must admit that I haven't been keeping up with readings at all. I was doing so well with the reading last quarter, and this quarter, I'm just not doing it! Sigh.

This week, I had my first (and last) two midterms of the quarter. Anthropology on Monday wasn't that bad. I'm glad I actually read everything, albeit just the weekend before the exam. The exam was an intense amount of writing, though, and my left hand was about to fall off! It didn't help that I had to go to English lecture afterward to take notes for an hour and fifteen minutes! That day and Tuesday, I stupidly ignored Earthquakes, for which I was going to have a midterm on Thursday. So, I didn't start studying for that until Wednesday night, which I kind of regret because I know the test was incredibly easy, and if I had just studied seriously like I did for anthropology, I could have done so well! This happens every single time...haha. But oh, well. I suppose I will just have to wait until the exam results are posted and/ or distributed.
On a brighter note, I got my first English paper back today, and my T.A. wrote that she looks forward to reading my future papers (but I think she wrote that for others, too, which is definitely okay!), followed by my A grade. So that was good. :) This just means I'm going to work even harder on the second paper, which I'm kind of excited to write because it's five pages instead of two or three!

Even though I haven't blogged in a long time, I have no idea what to write anymore... What is wrong with me?!

Well, tomorrow noon until Sunday noon is Relay for Life. Because everybody obviously isn't even into the event anymore, I don't know why J and I decided to sign up for it. Of course, it is for a good cause, but we've all just been annoyed about it, and the people in charge at the meeting weren't being encouraging or informative at all. So, yes, I'm quite looking forward to walking for 24 hours with people who don't seem to care about doing the relay together because we're supposed to because it's supposed to be fun because we're friends. Gosh.

Now I'm stuck and I don't know what to write anymore again! Man, I can't wait to go home next week. I'm so glad that I'm here instead of, well, anywhere else, because I miss home come Wednesday afternoon every single week. I suppose this means I'm just attached to home and being there. It could also mean that I'm tired of school and how mundane it is. It's probably both, though. In any case, I'm glad I'm close to home so I can go back easily. So, so glad. If I had gone to UCSD, I don't know how I would have been able to deal with this homesickness.
So it turns out I made the right decision after all, even if it didn't seem so at the time. :)

Oh, right, going back to the title of this post... Earlier, when I was reading at Hedrick Fireside Lounge, I kept hearing piano-playing, and it was beautiful... Certainly, it wasn't flawless, but it was just so good, and I felt so sad because I remembered when I used to be able to play like that. And I miss those times, when piano was such an integral part of my life. Now at home, the piano is just there, and I play it once a month, if that. I wish I hadn't stopped playing after I passed the last exam. Now I just suck, and nobody would ever be able to tell that I had taken piano lessons for seven years. So, so sad. But I will pick it back up one day. There's really no excuse for me not to, because there are two pianos at Hedrick Hall that I could use here at school. And there's a piano at home. And I have sheet music and music books.

It is now 1:22 a.m. Good night!
I hope to return on Sunday with a report on Relay for Life (among other things).


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