Am I allergic to sun?!

Maybe I just need to stop being ignorant and start putting on sunblock. Today, I woke up at 7:30 to go with K to line up at the central ticket office for Spring Sing tickets. We got there around 8:15, and the line went from the beginning of CTO all the way around to the bus stops at Ackerman. Obviously, we were not part of the first 400 people who would get the Spring Sing 2011 t-shirt. We sat and waited under the sun. The line got wider more than it got longer, and when CTO finally opened at 10, the line didn't even move until 15 minutes later. Long story short, we stood under the sun for hours, and at 11:30, I decided to return to the room to get my stuff so I could at least try to get to class on time later. En route to Hedrick, I saw JQ (going to try using initials now, since I recently noticed how many J's there are in my life) toward the front of the line--thank goodness for that, because long story short, I wouldn't have made it in time for class or gotten tickets if I had stayed with K and them! Regardless, I had to superpower-walk to and from Hedrick to get back in time to pay with the latter group. What a good hustle! Granted, I was drenched in sweat and my skin wasn't exactly smooth afterward, but whatever!
Although the tickets I ended up getting cost eight dollars more than anticipated (the cheapest ones were out by then), I'm excited for May 20. In addition to that, Lupe Fiasco is going to be at the Reggae Fest on May 30, and I want to go! But nobody wants to go with me...
Nonetheless, I am looking forward to May 20 weekend, yay.

My dad picked me up around 3:20; today's going-home was different in that 1) my dad--not my mom or JQ--picked me up, 2) we actually conversed, and 3) it was immediately after class. I guess it's good that my dad doesn't have work for the rest of the week. When we reached Chinatown, just as I was about to ask my dad what was for dinner, he asked me what I wanted to eat. I said fish, so we went to Ai Hoa (boy, had it been a long time since I walked around in there) Market and bought tilapia (for $3.79/ lb... I distinctly remember when it used to be $2.99/ lb, haha), the long bok choy, and other stuff for him to cook whatever I asked him to for dinner (which, other than the fish, was only one vegetable dish--what can I say, I'm easy to please). It was extremely pleasant to go grocery shopping with my dad. I felt like I was nine or 10 years old again. Except... I always used to go with my mom because he always had work... In any case, it was pleasant, and it made for the beginning of an enjoyable evening.

I came home, showered, and then went to church to pick up S. Afterward, we waited for our mom to get home from running errands (after work... what a busy woman) so we could eat altogether, but she got home a bit later than expected, so we started eating with our dad first. Dinner was quite good. I was so full, but I squeezed in some orange. Yummy. Immediately thereafter, I had to expel some solid waste... Probably due to the two prunes I ate before dinner, haha.

Around nine, I resolved to not talk with anybody on AIM or go on Facebook or open any web pages until I finished my (first) English paper. I ended up finishing around 10:30, and decided to reward myself by reading Alexander Pope for next Monday's lecture... I'm so determined to catch up and possibly get ahead this weekend because it's been only three weeks and I'm already so behind. "It's been only three weeks" is exactly the attitude that got me so behind, actually. I need to stop trying to convince myself that I had so much time when I don't! But I'm okay.
Speaking of time, my calendar for April is ridiculous, even though the month is halfway over. And May is starting to fill up, too. I have two midterms in two weeks (week 5, only fitting for "mid"term, right?), and I think I'm going to start studying for them next week. Because I have no reason to not study! Seriously.

Addressing my post title, I have itches all along my right forearm, and I suspect they might be due to the heat and sun, because I did stand under the sun, practically not moving, for an immensely long time. Either that, or I am suddenly allergic to pineapple or watermelon, neither of which is likely because I don't believe I am allergic to anything, particularly any fruit.

I hope to blog again this weekend, but I need to stop now because my battery is low!

Good night, world!
P.S.: I hope I am not allergic to sun.


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