Torrential Rainfall?!

I understand that it is December, but this continual rainfall is ridiculously uncharacteristic of Southern California weather! And it makes going out a lot less exciting and convenient. In any case, it's been a while since the last blog post, so here I am again, with my laptop on my lap and my feet up on my laser printer box.

On Friday, I went to the Glendale Galleria with J and P, and it was actually immensely enjoyable! I learned that I like shopping with girl friends a lot more than with anybody else. We were there for about three hours, compared to the usual hour (at most) I am usually there for. Whimsically, I purchased quite a few articles of clothing for myself, and I felt so bad, but still so pleased. Guilty pleasure is pleasure nonetheless, I suppose. The pile of merchandise has been neatly folded, and it is currently on the floor in my bedroom... I probably should do laundry one of these days.

I don't even know what else to say anymore. Yesterday, I started playing Call of Duty Black Ops, and after I finally realized how to shoot, it started being fun! I'm actually about to go play with the Zhaos again. Hopefully, I remember how to maneuver and shoot and whatnot.
Today marks the end of the first week of winter break. I cannot believe that one-third of it has come and gone already. And for some strange reason, I keep thinking that the rest of the world is on break, as well. In any case, I already have plans for at least half of this next week and the following week. I also cannot believe that 2010 is almost over. I was reading something that I blogged in January 2009, and I thought, "Oh, I should blog on the same day for 2010." Then I suddenly remembered that 2010 was this year...

My phone keeps restarting. My last phone kept doing that too, but only after like, four years of use. I've been using this one for about eight months... What the heck?! I no longer trust Samsung.

Time for video games!


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