Good Days

The past several days have been absolutely splendid. I love December for its winter break, winter break for its free time, free time for...well, my friends. :)

On the 23rd, I hosted a gathering at home, and in the beginning, I was worried that people would be bored or disinterested, but after the first round of congregated eating, the guys played cards and video games, while the girls talked and played other games. Although there was a gender separation, nobody seemed to mind, so I didn't either. Long story short, it was a wonderful day, from the food and games to the chats and laughs. Yay for birthday/ holiday gatherings!

On the 24th, N and I went to Ten Ren for the first time and had good food! Afterward, I went over to my cousins' home because J was having hot pot with his friends (and family, of course). I had two laughing fits in a row and ended up crying hysterically, completely undecided between laughing normally and crying normally. And although my eyes became dry and my stomach started aching, it was good fun.

Christmas Day, I fell asleep to the Lakers losing to the Heat. Then again, I always fall asleep by the time third quarter begins unless I am physically at the game. And then I had hot pot again! This time with only family, at my home instead of J's. My cousin brought his daughter--my niece--and although his wife and newborn baby boy couldn't make it, I'm so glad they came, because my niece makes me so proud to be an aunt! I hadn't seen her in several months, and she hasn't changed much; she's still so cute and smart! During hot pot, we cousins made fun of each other and stole food from one another and all of that good stuff. ANDANDAND during cake time, J was actually willing to take pictures! There was about to be a disgusting cake-eating contest, too...

On Sunday, N and I attended the Clippers v. Suns game (after some good dim sum at Monterey Palace), and sat in section 114--two seats (row 10, seats 8 and 9) for $75. I must say, it was an excellent deal for such an excellent view from which I could admire and swoon over Blake Griffin. And the game itself was absolutely amazing and exciting. I thought they were about to lose, but then they just augmented the point gap and won by 5 in the last several seconds! That game made me want to attend the rest of the Clippers games of the season, if only to watch Blake Griffin and drool (in my mind) over the way he takes out his retainer thing every time he does something good or gets frustrated... Mmm, mmm, mmm. Hahaha.
After the game, we went to Porto's for a late lunch, and it was so delicious yet again. I have decided that I want my birthday cakes to be from Porto's Bakery starting next year. Yummy. That place makes my mind and stomach so happy!

Today, K, P, W, and I were supposed to go to Boiling Crab for lunch, but when we got there, we discovered that it doesn't even open until 3 p.m. on weekdays, so we opted for Boiling Point (close enough) instead, a hot pot place in Monterey Park. It was my first time going to a hot pot restaurant, and it was cool. Actually, it was hot...very, very hot. Within seconds of getting my seafood and tofu hot pot, I burned my tongue with the soup. A while later, I burned my tongue with the super spicy sauce, which I didn't even suspect of being spicy, and tried to remedy it with my "little spicy" soup, which actually worsened the matter by burning yet another different area of my tongue. And the waitress was being so stingy about the water! It was so hot and so difficult that at one point, I just wanted to give up on eating. But I was almost done, so I just finished it after all.
After lunch, K, P, and I baked a "victorian sponge cake" at my house. It was my first time baking anything from scratch, and my first time baking with friends, so it was immensely fabulous. We had a rough start because we couldn't find vanilla extract and didn't have unsalted butter that the recipe called for. But the cake ended up baking very nicely and tasting just as nice. All in all, my first baking project was a success, and now I'm itching to bake again! I think I'll make the same thing again just to try to make it better, haha.
Then, W came over and we ate cake and watched the beginning of "Griffin and Phoenix" together. After a while, my mom invited K and W to yet another family dinner to Ichiban. It was expensive, but delicious and pleasant. And then I came home and...started doing nothing, then started writing. :)

And in less than 10 hours, I am going to go eat dim sum again, this time with W, K, and J (the roommate) at 888 in Rosemead. And then... I shall do whatever after that.

I have been thoroughly enjoying my winter break. I have been loving it. Fun, fun, fun. :)
More splendid days to come!


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